summerboy02 wrote:
before lunch only 1 passed... i failed my mgt again, last month also failed mgt... hmmm... the interviewer very demanding today[/quote]
You mean you tried the interviews for 2 consecutive months despite that you failed the management round last month?
I failed my management round on Feb24.Was thinking if I should try out the April or May walk in...what you think?Feb walk in was my 10th attempts...I'm already feeling tired of attending and being booted out everytime.The interviews drain me mentally to a certain extend.
Guess I will keep my spirit on and keep on trying.The more they boot me out the more determine am I.Lets work harder!!
Good luck to all!![/quote]
yes summer... i was so erm... haiz... not much guys went thru except for those with degree... i guess they are being very picky towards guy and taking those with degree... i maybe wrong but to my knowledge dats the fact for this 16 March as the amount of ppl who turned up for the recruitment was super low... which group u in? im in group 3