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Post by summerboy02 » Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:25 pm

Hey folks

Congrats to those who brezze through the interviews on sun.Wonder how was the passing rate for the male candidates?

Counting down to my 3 months ban since i was booted out at the management round in Feb walk in...shall try again in May

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Post by littlemissy » Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:27 pm

Anyway only 3 out of 10 in my group got in... and all were first timers

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Post by zetpeh » Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:33 pm

summerboy02 wrote:Hey folks

Congrats to those who brezze through the interviews on sun.Wonder how was the passing rate for the male candidates?

before lunch only 1 passed... i failed my mgt again, last month also failed mgt... hmmm... the interviewer very demanding today

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Post by sqfanatic » Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:37 pm

Wah Liew!!! :shock: littlemissy, Serious?! U mean they encourage pple to lie in their resume?! Are u absolutely sure u were talkin to SQ staff? If tt's so, then it definitely confirms our analyzation!! Bravo!! We r like investigators, solvin e mystery behind sq interviews... Hehe! Anyway I was told tt honesty is e best, so I always guai-guai declare when I had applied for e position b4. If we lied, wld they find out later n use it as an excuse to reject us? Haiyoyo! Wat to do siah???

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Post by akiheartfelt » Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:39 pm


They are really inconsistent and dubious :???: My friend failed twice at kebaya round but she passed this time :) Maybe it depends on who is assessing you. Perhaps some people out there don't believe in giving 2nd chances, like the employee u're talking about.

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Post by beautiful_river » Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:40 pm

Hi sqfanatic,

Yes, probably we hav the same interviewers, my room is the room beside the table where they check for ur cert.. for me, the chinese guy is qte friendly n he dint ask any weird qns.. he even showed concern n ask us if we had our lunch yet, cuz its about 11 am plus.. anyway, i was there since 8.45am..

Well, i think ur experience is even more dramatic than mine! 1 of the 2 gals to get kicked out??? it mus hav felt horrible! even tho i was one of e 7, i was alrd feeling terrible! anyway, like you i was confident cuz even tho my degree is not relevant to customer service, I hav worked part time during e semester break n has always received good comments for my work.. I even hav e testimonials from previous employers if they want to verify.. n on top of that, I can speak and write 4 languages plus one dialect.. so i really cannot accept the fact that they judge me based on that less than 1 min of my speech.. i waited for more than 3 hrs to make a 30 sec speech, n was told "Thank you for being here today." My self-confidence was totally destroyed... and like you, i also thought they may hav forgotten to call my name, so i stick around for awhile jus in case they realized e mistake.. but it dint happen, of cos..

Hi Trinitrophenol,
Yups my interviewers is one chinese guy and an old dark-coloured man (not sure if he's indian or malay tho).. for me, e old man was e horrible one.. he seems to be scrutinizing gals from head to toe.. e chinese man is kinda nice, nodding at interval (even tho i dunno if he is really listening).. anw i noticed sth, when i stood up, i clenched my fingers together cuz it was feeling cold, and immediately when they see that, both look down the paper n start to scribble some stuffs.. den e old man look up and sort of sneered at me.. like he wasnt listening anymore.. i think they assume my action shows tat i m feeling insecure.. but its not e case, i mean i really feel cold cuz of my nervousness but i think i still portray myself confidently.. anyway, i think no point crying over spilled milk.. guess jus hav to accept the fact yeah..

Hi little missy,
so u mean if we dun state that we hav applied before than its ok? I thought they will key in ur name when they take ur height initially? and e computer may show ur record? so if u dun state that u have tried before and e computer shows tat u do, wouldnt tat be equivalent to intentionally abstaining the truth n may be blacklisted?

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Post by snowss » Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:43 pm seems like the passing rate for today was damn bad :mad:

I thought the case applied to me as pple frm the group who didnt really spoke very in!! Quite disappointed ya...

Dunno what's wrong?? :???:

Nvm, those who failed today....Gambatte...The next one wld be better :D

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Post by akiheartfelt » Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:43 pm

Ya i don't encourage you guys to lie cos they do data entry. plus, some interviewers might recognize you. it'll be so paiseh if you get discovered lying!

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next one..

Post by dream_gal » Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:46 pm

snowss seems like the passing rate for today was damn bad :mad:

I thought the case applied to me as pple frm the group who didnt really spoke very in!! Quite disappointed ya...

Dunno what's wrong?? :???:

Nvm, those who failed today....Gambatte...The next one wld be better :D
when will be the next one.. cant wait..

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Post by littlemissy » Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:47 pm

sqfanatic wrote:Wah Liew!!! :shock: littlemissy, Serious?! U mean they encourage pple to lie in their resume?! Are u absolutely sure u were talkin to SQ staff? If tt's so, then it definitely confirms our analyzation!! Bravo!! We r like investigators, solvin e mystery behind sq interviews... Hehe! Anyway I was told tt honesty is e best, so I always guai-guai declare when I had applied for e position b4. If we lied, wld they find out later n use it as an excuse to reject us? Haiyoyo! Wat to do siah???
Yup... it was one of the girls who were checking our forms, and taking out height before asking us to go into ballroom 2...

I agree, we're all caught in a dilemma... next time round I'm gonna just say first time, just to see if they really keep records.. haha

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Re: next one..

Post by snowss » Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:49 pm

dream_gal wrote:
snowss seems like the passing rate for today was damn bad :mad:

I thought the case applied to me as pple frm the group who didnt really spoke very in!! Quite disappointed ya...

Dunno what's wrong?? :???:

Nvm, those who failed today....Gambatte...The next one wld be better :D
when will be the next one.. cant wait..
Guess prolly it will be in april....My guess is probably a write-in coze they alrdy have had 3 walk-in for this year...

But nonetheless, I hope it's a tat i need not travel to STC for interview and i need not skip school for the weekday interview :-|

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Post by akiheartfelt » Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:50 pm

littlemissy wrote: Yup... it was one of the girls who were checking our forms, and taking out height before asking us to go into ballroom 2...

I agree, we're all caught in a dilemma... next time round I'm gonna just say first time, just to see if they really keep records.. haha
she might not be an SQ staff. could be from the recruitment company, and telling you hearsays.

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Post by Abercrombie » Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:57 pm

Maybe they are tightening their selection process to flush out the multi-time tryer. Its funny that one can keep trying and fail 7-8 time but still get through in the end. Its no longer the natural quality possed by the person which get her in, its the experiences from pass interviews, the abilities to put up a show plus the luck factor that get her in. Its just like buying 4D, you keep trying and the rule of probability will be on your side one day and you will strike but small most of the time :wink: . The best way to judge a person is the 1st time they went for the interview, how well prepared they are the 1st time will show their level of interest. As its their 1st time they will be more of themselves and not putting up a false front according to what the interviewer wants to see. This is not like driving where more practices will make you a better driver. What they are looking for are what you should have already as a person attitude is very difficult to change, getting the wrong person cost SIA very much as in training cost,time,complaints.....etc.

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Post by misshoong » Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:58 pm

hi guys, reading with amusement the speculation that they discriminate against those who have tried more than once

come to think of it, during my group interview (24feb), the interviewers did ask whether anyone had tried before. None of us raised our hands or maybe one girl did( anyway she got in).

All of us got in except for two- one girl bcos she was serving out a five yr ban into malaysia, the other i don't understand why cos she's the president of the Ambassador's Club at her poly so it seems quite relevant.

Some of the girls who passed were not eloquent at all.

My guess is they look for more intrinsic things too? Like the way u sit, or how u behave when someone else is speaking etc, whether u r sulking or making faces at ppl's comments? or maybe just the way u look or dress. just a guess..

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Post by misshoong » Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:59 pm

oh but i was like group 65, maybe they were tired and more lenient by then...

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