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Re: silkair final interview

Post by Suzycreamcheeze » Sun, 26 Jun 2005 6:33 pm

jelly wrote:Hi to all girls who went for silkair interview. I was there too, but gosh, like u all, i haven't got anything in the mail! Neither did those i exchanged numbers with.

I was thinking..anyone took down their number stated when they sent us the letters for the previous interviews? Starts with 654 or something and the contact person is Ms. Rama? I did'nt get the number down then returned to that lady during the interview.

Maybe its ok to call and ask since its been a week. At least we would get some clues if they had sent out letters or not..
I think some of the girls called already but no answer. Well, atleast we know pretty much all the girls havnt recieved anything... we just be patient i guess.


Re: silkair final interview

Post by Guest » Sun, 26 Jun 2005 7:42 pm

Suzycreamcheeze wrote:
jelly wrote:Hi to all girls who went for silkair interview. I was there too, but gosh, like u all, i haven't got anything in the mail! Neither did those i exchanged numbers with.

I was thinking..anyone took down their number stated when they sent us the letters for the previous interviews? Starts with 654 or something and the contact person is Ms. Rama? I did'nt get the number down then returned to that lady during the interview.

Maybe its ok to call and ask since its been a week. At least we would get some clues if they had sent out letters or not..
I think some of the girls called already but no answer. Well, atleast we know pretty much all the girls havnt recieved anything... we just be patient i guess.
I see. Thanks babe. We shall all be patient.


Singapore Girl

Post by GuestGuest » Sun, 26 Jun 2005 8:04 pm

gIrls Girls,

i am not putting the job down.
as what some say, every job has it ups and downs,
i am stating some facts which people shld be prepared. because alot of my batch girls left, coz they are unable to cope with the stress. they cry after every other flight. 1 left, coz she hurt her back during a trip, and had to leave.
but please, not every girl end up this way

i m still here coz i learnt to be very strong for myself. i am still here for the money.
else, i don't really know what to do when i quit.
you c, thats y i say, degree holders shld have a better prospect outside.

oh yes, i can't say i am materialistic either, I don't buy LV prada. just well once in a very blue moon when i really really tot over very carefully. every other woman in SG is carrying a GUCCI especially, and LV. or other branded goods. a special luxury item is becoming a household item!

u c. 6000-7000 strength of cabin crew, you can expect ALL kinds of pple.
i am just stating a little of the job scope.
those who are in, don't you agree with me, here and there, we get crappy pax?
you know what kinda flights where some of us, being nice to help pax, in the end we hurt ourselves?

but there are some pleasant flights, and we often are grateful for it.

a pax on my flight recently was very nice and smily. towards the end he was suddenly grouchy. he became irritable and pass nasty remarks to me when i talked to him. i tot i did something wrong. so i tried to talk to him many times but in vain. in the end, after 2 hrs of "torture" he suddenly smiled. wtf? and i asked him once more what's wrng, he say, "don't worry, it's nothing to do with you, but someone else". and he winked at me. WTF again?
i was the scrapegoat for his venting of anger?

i won't say i am discouraging, if you are inside already, and you had such a wonderful experience so far with no nasty pax, i am really happy for you.

but one thing, shopping overseas is rather fun.
but rem, you "walk" to the country, not fly

you wanna flame me, go ahead. i don't think i am lying, unless i am dreaming i am workin for SIA. :>


Re: Tanned lines~

Post by GuestGuest » Sun, 26 Jun 2005 8:15 pm

galgally wrote:do any of u gals sun tanned? i have the halter-neck bikini tanned lines, and its pretty obvious!! do u tink they will mind abt diz during the kebaya fit?
when they need people, they don't really care.
talk about scars, i have a few on my hands and wrist, i am very tan, but w/o tan lines. my batch girl had a "commit suicide" scar on her wrist, but we all got it. heeeeeeeeeeeee

i have done various surveys, some with tatoos come in too. so girls, please don't worry about minor things like this.
unless u got a birth mark on ya face, and VERY obvious big scars.
the thing to worry is, is this the job you really want.

my girlfren got thru emirates, but i told her nicely, you are not up for the job. coz non of my frens dare to tell her. she's a young jovial, kiddish girl. i forsaw that she might not cope. she's also scared of sleeping alone.

but i told her too, i do not know you ultimately, if you go for the job, learn to be strong, take care (in the foreign land) and earn as much and come back.

she agreed with me when i told her that. she herself knows she cannot cope. but she just wanna try. but trying is not for 1month. it's for 2-3yrs. so she gave up her dream. but she was happy with the fact she was chosen. :>


Post by eng » Sun, 26 Jun 2005 8:41 pm

hi, guest guest, you must be a strong girl after reading your message. I also do experience working in foreign country and stay there for months then come back. The missing feeling of mum and dad is terrible especially at nite. and also taking care of myself in everything and also caution of going out at nite too make me grow out. But do you think SIA will recruit me if i am already 28 and married and also have a kid of 4yrs old?


Re: Tanned lines~

Post by Guest » Sun, 26 Jun 2005 10:16 pm

GuestGuest wrote:
galgally wrote:do any of u gals sun tanned? i have the halter-neck bikini tanned lines, and its pretty obvious!! do u tink they will mind abt diz during the kebaya fit?
when they need people, they don't really care.
talk about scars, i have a few on my hands and wrist, i am very tan, but w/o tan lines. my batch girl had a "commit suicide" scar on her wrist, but we all got it. heeeeeeeeeeeee

i have done various surveys, some with tatoos come in too. so girls, please don't worry about minor things like this.
unless u got a birth mark on ya face, and VERY obvious big scars.
the thing to worry is, is this the job you really want.

my girlfren got thru emirates, but i told her nicely, you are not up for the job. because non of my frens dare to tell her. she's a young jovial, kiddish girl. i forsaw that she might not cope. she's also scared of sleeping alone.

but i told her too, i do not know you ultimately, if you go for the job, learn to be strong, take care (in the foreign land) and earn as much and come back.

she agreed with me when i told her that. she herself knows she cannot cope. but she just want to try. but trying is not for 1month. it's for 2-3yrs. so she gave up her dream. but she was happy with the fact she was chosen. :>

Could you define 'big scars'?

If its the pop-out kind (slightly) but skin-toned scar, on the neck, do you think it will pass? it's 4cm long.

If i have short hair that can cover it, will it be ok to them?

And, how long can the hair be before it's required to be tied up?

Pls reply! Thanks.



Re: Tanned lines~

Post by Guest » Sun, 26 Jun 2005 10:23 pm



Could you define 'big scars'?

If its the pop-out kind (slightly) but skin-toned scar, on the neck, do you think it will pass? it's 4cm long.

If i have short hair that can cover it, will it be ok to them?

And, how long can the hair be before it's required to be tied up?

Pls reply! Thanks.


I have a flat scar slight pinkish on my upper arm from a tattoo removal, about 10cm long, do you think I will pass too?


Re: Tanned lines~

Post by Guest » Sun, 26 Jun 2005 10:45 pm

Hi gals, I think the scar ques you have asked really depends on the interviewers. Some would pass you but some wont. Nevertheless, you would reach the kabaya stage where the screening would be much stricter. The bottom line is, you never try, you would never know.

If you have short hair (above shoulder length) that is neat and presentable, you would not be required to tie them up but usually hair gel is needed to put your hair in place. They wouldnt want you to serve the passangers with your hair falling in plc! Also, if you could tie up your hair, it would be better as your features would appear more defined and you would look more refreshed. In short, you should be confident of yourself. :D
Anonymous wrote:[


Could you define 'big scars'?

If its the pop-out kind (slightly) but skin-toned scar, on the neck, do you think it will pass? it's 4cm long.

If i have short hair that can cover it, will it be ok to them?

And, how long can the hair be before it's required to be tied up?

Pls reply! Thanks.

I have a flat scar slight pinkish on my upper arm from a tattoo removal, about 10cm long, do you think I will pass too?[/quote]


SIA interview

Post by galgally » Sun, 26 Jun 2005 10:54 pm

Do u gals dye ur hair black for the interview? my hair is black on top but quite obvious brownish at the bottom, is wondering if i shld dye it black..advise pls!! :D


Re: Singapore Girl

Post by Dejected » Sun, 26 Jun 2005 11:18 pm

GuestGuest wrote:gIrls Girls,

i am not putting the job down.
as what some say, every job has it ups and downs,
i am stating some facts which people shld be prepared. because alot of my batch girls left, because they are unable to cope with the stress. they cry after every other flight. 1 left, because she hurt her back during a trip, and had to leave.
but please, not every girl end up this way

i m still here because i learnt to be very strong for myself. i am still here for the money.
else, i don't really know what to do when i quit.
you c, thats y i say, degree holders shld have a better prospect outside.

oh yes, i can't say i am materialistic either, I don't buy LV prada. just well once in a very blue moon when i really really tot over very carefully. every other woman in SG is carrying a GUCCI especially, and LV. or other branded goods. a special luxury item is becoming a household item!

u c. 6000-7000 strength of cabin crew, you can expect ALL kinds of pple.
i am just stating a little of the job scope.
those who are in, don't you agree with me, here and there, we get crappy pax?
you know what kinda flights where some of us, being nice to help pax, in the end we hurt ourselves?

but there are some pleasant flights, and we often are grateful for it.

a pax on my flight recently was very nice and smily. towards the end he was suddenly grouchy. he became irritable and pass nasty remarks to me when i talked to him. i tot i did something wrong. so i tried to talk to him many times but in vain. in the end, after 2 hrs of "torture" he suddenly smiled. wtf? and i asked him once more what's wrng, he say, "don't worry, it's nothing to do with you, but someone else". and he winked at me. WTF again?
i was the scrapegoat for his venting of anger?

i won't say i am discouraging, if you are inside already, and you had such a wonderful experience so far with no nasty pax, i am really happy for you.

but one thing, shopping overseas is rather fun.
but rem, you "walk" to the country, not fly

you want to flame me, go ahead. i don't think i am lying, unless i am dreaming i am workin for SIA. :>
Hi Guest Guest,

I think u're really brave to have stayed in the company after so much politics.... can u share with us more of ur experiences with SIA? I guess u've been flying for more than 5 yrs... :o



Post by goh » Sun, 26 Jun 2005 11:25 pm

Tori wrote:Hi gals,

Think we still have got some hope, because it really seems that the afternoon invitation has not been sent yet... I've submitted on the 17th, now still waiting (*Lets cross our fingers!)

Tori :)
Guest1 wrote:Any girls or guys have their interview in the afternoon ( ie after 12 noon )? How come everyone seems to be in the morning slots ? No one in the afternoon slots ?
Hi Tori,
Do you think we still got hope? Will there be any interview for the afternoon? Do any 1 ever being invited for the afternoon interview b4 these batch? :roll:


Singapore Girl

Post by GuestGuest » Sun, 26 Jun 2005 11:43 pm

eng wrote:hi, guest guest, you must be a strong girl after reading your message. I also do experience working in foreign country and stay there for months then come back. The missing feeling of mum and dad is terrible especially at nite. and also taking care of myself in everything and also caution of going out at nite too make me grow out. But do you think SIA will recruit me if i am already 28 and married and also have a kid of 4yrs old?
my batch girl was 28 when she came in. :>
there's always a chance. why not
even if u r married
i am not sure of the cut off age but they didnt state right? just try.

and for scars. mine is a 1inch long scar on my wrist. :>
during the interview i tried to use makeup
but they put my hands under florescent light. thats when i tot, siao liao. can say byebye liao.
but i got it.

whatever your concerns r, u wan the job, just try. u worry this worry that, then dun bother writing in. i do understand the worries, but then, they wan u no matter what, they will still take u in.
right not girls.

just brush up on ya PR skills, which is more imprt than all these scar thingies.

gd luck.



Post by Tori » Sun, 26 Jun 2005 11:47 pm

Hi goh,

I'm pretty sure there's a afternoon batch.. My frd went to the April interview, afternoon batch.

goh wrote:
Tori wrote:Hi gals,

Think we still have got some hope, because it really seems that the afternoon invitation has not been sent yet... I've submitted on the 17th, now still waiting (*Lets cross our fingers!)

Tori :)
Guest1 wrote:Any girls or guys have their interview in the afternoon ( ie after 12 noon )? How come everyone seems to be in the morning slots ? No one in the afternoon slots ?
Hi Tori,
Do you think we still got hope? Will there be any interview for the afternoon? Do any 1 ever being invited for the afternoon interview b4 these batch? :roll:


Re: SIA interview

Post by GuestGuest » Sun, 26 Jun 2005 11:47 pm

galgally wrote:Do u gals dye ur hair black for the interview? my hair is black on top but quite obvious brownish at the bottom, is wondering if i shld dye it black..advise pls!! :D
my hair was brown with blond/ red and green streaks. heeeee
that was then.

up to u how u wan to present yaself to the interviewers. place yaself in their shoes.




Post by goh » Sun, 26 Jun 2005 11:53 pm

Tori wrote:Hi goh,

I'm pretty sure there's a afternoon batch.. My frd went to the April interview, afternoon batch.

goh wrote:
Tori wrote:Hi gals,

Think we still have got some hope, because it really seems that the afternoon invitation has not been sent yet... I've submitted on the 17th, now still waiting (*Lets cross our fingers!)

Tori :)

Hi Tori,
Do you think we still got hope? Will there be any interview for the afternoon? Do any 1 ever being invited for the afternoon interview b4 these batch? :roll:
Hi Tori,
then lets pray hard for getting the invitation to the interview 2morrow. Really dnt have a gd nite sleep these few days as keep worry that they reject me as so many of the girls have alreay got it.

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