Just got back from pre-employment briefing and I can say that not all the girls/boys recruited has flawless skin. I've spotted a few girls that have ance scar and chicken pox indentation scar. Some were really quite bad and obvious
I do believe that to pass kebaya + skin check interview, you do not need to have flawless skin so long you are able to conceal your flaws well and have confidence when they questioned you, you should be able to get through.
Luck also has a part in the selection so it depends on the interviewers themselve whether are you the one they are looking for. If you find your flaws unappealing, you should consider getting them fixed as not only it makes you feel confident, it also is a fix that will last for a long time.
p/s: I'll be updating my blog on a daily basis to help those who are preparing for 24 Feb 2008 walk in interview. Cheers!