shellen wrote:i went to tailor made myself one yday..~ hai.. capital $ capital $..~
am broke..~
anyone can pm me if you wanna meetup k..~ im goin solo ne..~ Christine..~ if you're viewing this.. plss..~ i neeeed u..~ =P hoho..~
hihi lipcolor, i went for Emirates now waiting for 25th interview. But i'll going SIA on 27th 2 try my luck though i always get boot-out for SIA. U gg 27th at 8am right? I really wanna join u, but i doubt i can wait up so early and I rather break the interviews into diff days cause on my last SIA attempt, I passed until Kebaya. But the waiting just drives mi nuts and i wasnt thinking during my 1-1 interview. So 27th, I think i'll go for the interview slightly later. Anyway, mayb we can mit up before the Emirates interview on 25th?
Good luck to u![/quote]
hihi shellen.. but but...~ er... my emirates intvw's on 24th.. `heez..~
for 27th i'll be goin early.. me neither can wake up so early.. but i planned to finish more things in a day.. as im residin in admiralty.. it's v v far for me to get there u see..

fated ne..~ i think most peeps will be early birds that day..~ inlcuding me

they open at nine..i'l just be there at that time..~


goodie luck ya =)