Singapore Expats

SIA cabin crew

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Post by Rach » Fri, 10 Jun 2005 5:56 pm

Cheery wrote:Hi Rach,

How is the crew culture like in SQ? U've been flying for a long time? In ur own opinion, do u think its a long term career for us? Been pondering abt the prospects, as I understand u can fly until u retire....hardly do i see any old (more than 40yrs old) stewardesses on board.. Thanks! :)
Hi Hello Cheery!

In SIA, it's just like any offices..there are bound to be politics. But frankly speakly, things arent that bad which many people outside may think. I have been flying for a few years... and I have make many good friends ever since my training days at STC. The lecturers at STC are very nice people to tell you frankly...after spending 4 months there with your team mates and fellow lecturers, by the time you graduated, you wont bear to leave me! Time have build up a bond between you all.... and that is when you enjoy your job even more!

On flight I have to admit that, yes, there are some bitchy girls... but most of the Stewardess... are fun, humble, friendly and approachable, because they are all just like you people who share the same dream...wanted to fly up high... and not there to create any unnecessary trouble... :)

In my own opinion, flying is definitely not a long term career. Yes, although I agree that you can fly even till you are 40. But think about it again, sometimes, it is not just your age that matter. It is the change in your lifestyle and the people around you who will be affected. Unless you are willing to stay single and not get married, if not, just think, in future, your husband and your kids will need you. Yes, you may still look like 30 even when you are 40, and continue flying.... but then.... how are yo going to spend time with your beloved ones, who need you, who will constantly miss you.

And lastly, maybe it's not that you seldom or never see Stewardess who are 40. Maybe you cant tell they are 40. And these Stewardess they are normally Chief Stewardess (those in red uniform).... so if you really want to see, you have to look out for them in the Raffles or First class cabin when you next fly with SIA..... Those young Stewardess in blue definitly cant be 40 right.... that's why you never see an older Stewardess....


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Good Looks

Post by Plavt » Fri, 10 Jun 2005 7:42 pm

Hi Rach,
I've seen quite a few stewardesses who are older than one might think (the Leading Stewardesses of course, since I only fly economy). Most people don't notice since most Asians look young even when they aren't -lucky people. On my recent trips from Singapore to Japan and back the LSS most have been 40 or very near (wont tell you their names or might get hand-bagged next time they see me ha ha!)

Trouble with us westerners the wrinkles and signs of ageing show all too soon and some of your colleagues think me for example am older than I am - sniff just can't hide it. Mind you my mum has been claiming to be 21 as long as I can remember!

Keep up the good work, most of the staff are quite exceptional when dealing wtih passengers despite the often jealous remarks made by some Singaporeans.

Best Wishes.


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Post by Suzycreamcheeze » Fri, 10 Jun 2005 11:00 pm

to all the girls who attended the silkair 2nd interview today... GOOD LUCK and ALL THE BEST!!

Hopefully it went well for all of u today... i hope i did ok too. Seemed to turn out quite alrite, but who noes what may happen =)

I heard room 2 had 2 strict ladies... i was int he 1st room and they were 2 fairly young girls and they wwere pretty nice actually. They spoke to me in more of a conversational way than the usual ' i ask u a question and u must answer'. I felt quite comfortable.

Anyway, All the best again and hope we get to see eachother at the next round if we get thru. =)


SIA recruiting

Post by Blue » Fri, 10 Jun 2005 11:14 pm

SIA is recruiting local flight stewards/stewardess. This is for real this time. Check it out. All the best to everyone. :)


Re: SIA recruiting

Post by wannabee » Sat, 11 Jun 2005 1:05 am

Blue wrote:SIA is recruiting local flight stewards/stewardess. This is for real this time. Check it out. All the best to everyone. :)
i'm so excited! do u think could submit a resume in place of the required cover letter?


Re: SIA recruiting

Post by Blue » Sat, 11 Jun 2005 1:31 am

wannabee wrote:
Blue wrote:SIA is recruiting local flight stewards/stewardess. This is for real this time. Check it out. All the best to everyone. :)
i'm so excited! do u think could submit a resume in place of the required cover letter?
Do as they say, my dear. They may chuck your resume into the bin cos they can't be bothered to extract the necessary info from your resume.


Post by Guest » Sat, 11 Jun 2005 3:08 am

Hi, I just wana know that if a gal had gone thru ROM, will SQ still recruit them?

Guest Star

Re: emirates

Post by Guest Star » Sat, 11 Jun 2005 9:04 am

wannabee wrote:
Guest Star wrote:
wannabee wrote: i went for the emirates interview. was kicked out on the first round. i believe due to my acne scars. they arent as anal as SQ where height is concerned. i am 156cm but they didnt ask me to leave but gave me a chance to go for the first round. i was also asked to reach for the 212cm marking on tiptoes which isn't that very difficult really, u just need to stretch. during the first round a group of 10 of us were asked to sit in a circle. the interviewer gave us a topic to discuss. i was surprised that some of the girls in the group didnt even take the initiative to open their mouths. 3 were selected out of the group. i heard the other rounds r pretty similar to the first one. i'm gg for laser treatment for my acne scars n will try again in the future shld they conduct a recruitment again.

Hi with regards to the acne scars and that you're going for laser tmt to remove them. are your scars that bad? I've bump into one SQ girl yest and noticed her complexion is troubled. guess she got the problem after joining SIA..
the scars r visible. holes on the cheeks. though my acne days r long gone, the scars r there. results frm the laser treatment is gradual since i'm still undergoing the treatment - it takes time u see. i'm optimistic that the scars will be reduced soon n with gd foundation, hopefully they r not obvious the next time i go for an interview. i guess u need to be in a tip-top condition during the interview. the other day, at the airport, i actually saw this sq cabincrew with horrible huge zits on her back but i reckon she only had a breakout after joining sq. ohwell....

Hi there again wannabe! :wink: Can understand what you're going thru. Aspiration to fly at the same time determined to lighten your scars first.
Do believe in yourself ya. what's your current age? how much do you have to pay undergoing those treatments? They must be costly and painful.


Post by Ex-SGirl » Sat, 11 Jun 2005 9:14 am

Anonymous wrote:Hi, I just wana know that if a girl had gone thru ROM, will SQ still recruit them?


Post by Aure » Sat, 11 Jun 2005 9:33 am

Ex-SGirl wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Hi, I just wana know that if a girl had gone thru ROM, will SQ still recruit them?
Second that. Applied when I was married and at age 25. Was still invited for the interview. Do try. You never know.


Post by e » Sat, 11 Jun 2005 10:27 am

Hi, hope u guys still post on this thread. I was just interested in what the sia cabin crew do overseas, like what kind of hotels they stay in, what they get to do, like is there any activities arranged, or do colleagues go out shopping with one another? And how long usually are the trips, or do you actually organize your own schedules?

And are the rumors that being an sq stewardess is a temptuous job, as in many have been offered by rich passengers to be wives, mistresses or plainly one night stands, are they true?


Post by rpammi » Sat, 11 Jun 2005 10:56 am

Hi there.. i am 28,,maried ,,wanting to apply for the SQ job,,do u guys think i shd just sent in my resume,,,also,..wat kind of photo.... sum ppl luk btr in person than in pics,,then how ??? how to present ourselves thru interview..and what to wear ?

oonly slim girls r invited to the interview is it...wat abt a little plump ???lol..oh yeah to those who got frustrated filling up the heheh tell me abt it ,,i did it 5 times.. i called them up,,they said sum info was missin,,did it all over again,,finally got thru,,but amazing tht it wasnt mentioned tht.. u need to attach a pic,,,then how they choose..any jetstar gals out there..can give sum advise... for the interview ?? what kind of uniform they wear ?


Let's ask intelligently

Post by Bree » Sat, 11 Jun 2005 6:22 pm

Girls, if you are so unsure about yourself, then don't apply! If you think the scar on your arms will cause you to be eliminated, if you think you are too old for the job, if you rather worry excessively about the pay, if you think you don't have enough to qualify what is clearly stated in the SIA website, then DON'T APPLY! Some of the questions you girls are asking reveals the lack of confidence and sometimes even the absence of intelligence in you. So please let's stop asking these meaningless questions and be a laughingstock to others and ourselves. And please read through the previous entries to check if your questions have already been answered, don't repeat the questions... and make other repeat their answers. Let's be smarter and more beautiful Singaporean women. Thank you very much.


Post by Guest » Sat, 11 Jun 2005 10:02 pm

rpammi wrote:oh yeah to those who got frustrated filling up the heheh tell me abt it ,,i did it 5 times.. i called them up,,they said sum info was missin,,did it all over again,,finally got thru,,but amazing tht it wasnt mentioned tht.. u need to attach a pic,,,then how they choose..any jetstar gals out there..can give sum advise... for the interview ?? what kind of uniform they wear ?
Hi, I was from Jetstar asia... they changed the interview process a few times so I'm not too sure about it, but roughly, there will be 3 rounds... first round will be group activities, 2nd is one to one (and my time, I had to go to 3 diff rooms for 3 1-1 interviews!) and 3rd round is meeting management. The uniform is black with orange trimmings... its kind of like the chinese qi pao, with a orange scarf around the neck. Black stockings and court shoes. It is definitely better uniform than Valuair or Tiger, but I'm not saying its a good company to work for...


Re: emirates

Post by wannabee » Sun, 12 Jun 2005 12:02 am

Guest Star wrote:
wannabee wrote:
Guest Star wrote:
Hi with regards to the acne scars and that you're going for laser tmt to remove them. are your scars that bad? I've bump into one SQ girl yest and noticed her complexion is troubled. guess she got the problem after joining SIA..
the scars r visible. holes on the cheeks. though my acne days r long gone, the scars r there. results frm the laser treatment is gradual since i'm still undergoing the treatment - it takes time u see. i'm optimistic that the scars will be reduced soon n with gd foundation, hopefully they r not obvious the next time i go for an interview. i guess u need to be in a tip-top condition during the interview. the other day, at the airport, i actually saw this sq cabincrew with horrible huge zits on her back but i reckon she only had a breakout after joining sq. ohwell....

Hi there again wannabe! :wink: Can understand what you're going thru. Aspiration to fly at the same time determined to lighten your scars first.
Do believe in yourself ya. what's your current age? how much do you have to pay undergoing those treatments? They must be costly and painful.
hi, i am 26. i couldnt apply earlier because i was bonded with my current employer. the bond has since ended. its now or never for me. so i'm all determined to be a cabin crew. it doesnt hurt to try coz i do not wish to regret later. the treatment is with a dermatologist n ranges frm $200 - 300 per treatment n i need to go for at least 4 or 5 of such sessions. on top of that i'm also using his skincare products - a 7-step regime which i'm religiously sticking to.

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