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by VeniE » Wed, 19 Dec 2007 8:37 pm
Okay ppl…
To help those newbies and the members here who are going for the upcoming interview, I’ll do a summary of the rounds and little Venie’s tips.
Round 1: Mass intro (a group of 10 ppl)
There will be 2 interviewers doing the interview, one will be doing the talking and another one will be the observer. Usually they will ask you do a self-intro and why wanna be cabin crew.
For me, the interviewer asked us to do a short intro and something interesting abt yourself. The interviewer also emphasis that they dun want us to state why we wanna be cabin crew( sick of hearing the same ans. lol.). So when it’s my turn, I do a short intro of myself and regarding the interest part myself, I told them abt my experience as a school prefect.
For this round, they wanna see how you react in a crowd of ppl, and how you present yourself. While waiting for your turn to speak, always sit still and pay attention to the person who’s doing the talking coz the observer is watching EVERYBODY in the room. When it’s your turn, stand up, smile and take a deep breath before doing the talking. Speak with confident, not too much hand gestures and always smile in between the pause.
Keep your speech short and sweet. Best to limit it between 1 to 3 mins. Too long will appear too loh soh.
Round 2: Kebaya & skin check (kebaya only applies to girls)
Girls will change into the kebaya available on the stand. Choose one that is not too tight or too loose. They will ask you to tie up your hair if it’s long. Then you’ll queue up to take your height and weight. Den you’ll line up in a row to do your walking turn by turn.
Just walk as normal, not too stiff, not too fast. And SMILE!!! Sometimes the lady will ask you one or two questions, whether you working or studying, whether is this your first attempt. They just wanna look at your teeth.
If you pass you will proceed to skin check. If you were asked to change out of your kebaya means fail the walking. For the skin check, you’ll stand in front of a spotlight, abt a meter away. They will assess your face, neck, back, lower arms and hands. Not everyone is born with flawless skin, the thing is you must be able to cover those flaws. After that you can change your kebaya.
Round 3: 1 to 1 interview
This round there will be one interviewer doing the interview. It is more of get-to-know you session. They will look at your application form first before posting you any questions. Commonly questions asked are stated below. And at times they will ask you some plane scenario questions. Different ppl will get different questions, some tough ones some will get simple ones.
And there’s a passage to test your oral speaking. But some girls din get that. So depends on your interviewer ba. Always browse thru the passage first before you start to read. J
For me I was asked about my previous job and one interesting thing that happened. Why I wanna be cabin crew? Why I didn’t make it at my previous attempts? What I have improved so far from the first attempt till now? Scenario qns asked were what will you do if you met a drunken passenger? Will you still provide him more drinks? If you accidentally spilled a hot drink on a passenger and the passenger is super furious, what will you do?
Show them that you’re really keen in joining the airline.
Round 4: WCT
This was phased out. But not sure whether will they implement again. As I never been to this round so can’t help much. Keke..
Round 5: Mgmt Round
This round there’s two interviewers doing the interview, one is the observer and one will do the talking. Same thing, they will look at your application form before asking you the question, similar to Round 3.
For me, question ased were my previous job, why wanna join cabin crew, how long I intend to stay with the airline.
This is a list of commonly asked questions that I know of:
-tell me abt yourself & your family
-why do you wanna join SIA as a cabin crew?
-why cabin crew and not any other frontline job?
-what qualities does a cabin crew needs to acquire?
-why do you want to switch a career?
-why wanna leaveyour current job?
-what are the roles of a cabin crew?
-what makes a good customer service?
-where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years time?
-how serious are you about being a cabin crew?
-why are you not selected from your previous attempts?
-what make you think i (SIA staff) will want you to join us as a cabin crew?
-if you're not successful, what are your plans?
-name me 5 cities that SIA flies to
-what do you know about SIA?
-what are the aircraft SIA currently has?
-what is the recent news you know about SIA?
Finally, just wanna say that just relax and dun panick. Once you’re too tensed up, you can think properly and ans that you give will not be the best. Definitely you don’t wanna regret after coming out if the interview that you din say this or that or should have said something else. They are not looking for perfect ans, as long as the ans you gave is justifiable will do.
I always tell myself: “If you can’t even handle these interviewers den what makes you think that you can handle those nasty passengers on board?”
Last edited by
VeniE on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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