My steward friend more kan cheong than me... rang me on Fri to say that his friend, who went for the 2nd round interviews on the same day as I did, already went for the final interview earlier that day. He was particularly concerned coz he heard that the woman who was supposed to e-mail me was on leave.
Think I should try to get in touch with SIA on Mon? And.. how long do you think they *usually* take to get back on those final interview details? Kancheong-ness, very infectious.
Oh wait.. I just found o2's reply. -_-" hyuck hyuck. Thanks for the tip, O2. Everything suddenly makes much more sense *holy sound fx*O2 Zinc wrote:i emailed the other day and the reply was the mgmt might be on the 26 Dec, btw i think the person in charge is away coming back 19 Dec only..starrynitezz wrote:aiyoz... i still din get any reply for e management interview leh... should i email them??