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by wawaa » Sat, 15 Sep 2007 1:34 pm
Hey dilemma gal..
a pc of advise..pls write down all the dates u haf applied for n Im tellin u frm my own exp coz I tried more than 8 times for the past 2 yrs to get into SQ. I cant even remember the no.of times or even the exact dates i went for the intv..so usually I just estimate. Why u shld do this is becoz..they will see ur dying determination n frm wat I observe u can pass ur round 1 more easily.
I knoe wat u meant wen during the 1-1 they ask u why do u tink u flunk the previous times n at which round rite? I got tat question posed to me b4 so basically I told them the truth n tat is I really don't know coz wen I tried to ask the beautician (always get kicked off at skin check), she never want to reveal my flaws. So its diff to knoe rite? But u got to promise them tat u try ur very best to be better. BUt roughly I do knoe wats my flaw la..I don haf a good skin..so frm many failed attempts I went to see skin doc to get it cleared. And lucky enuff, wit all hardwork n determination..I got in.
I'm in training now for the past 1.5mths n I met so many trainers who teaches my batch/class. Thus I usually ask them since some of them do the recruitment selection on wat they r lookin for..as well as I did ask the beautician on y Im always got kicked out at kebaya...etc Most of them said, during round 1 its first impression. Your body posture, ur tone or voice shld sound lively n enthusiastic, eye-contact n most imptly SMILE!
If u tink u worry abt the content of ur introdution, just use simple english, dont need to brag too much coz wen u speak do not haf slang or slurs. Be HUMBLE n be urself coz they can tell wat kinda person u r. As u moved on to kebaya...I asked the beautician who u gals always see doin the skin check. Frm wat she told me, u do not need to haf a perfect n flawless skin coz I do not haf..i am so sure on tat. As long as u knoe how to cover ur flaws even if u haf pimples popping out, eye-bags, warts (oil-seeds) below ur eyes..u sure pass thru n for walkin in ur kebaya..walk gracefully wit gd body posture.Do not spread ur legs to wide wen u walk, n do not CATWALK.
To move on to every each round, be consistent n always smile. The key to everything is SMILE n SMILE n HUMBLE. Answer every questions they posed confidently, do ur homework on those standard intv questions. N never ever talk negatively abt SIA like the bad things u heard frm SIA such as zappin.. U will do alright if u heed my advise. But at the end of the day is pure determination..see how long u can take the wait. Trust me..those who r very determined, once u get in u wont take things for granted coz u really want this as life during the training n esp flying is sumetin 'unglamorous' n all abt eating humble pie, patience n tolerance. Coz they r ppl who quit halfway as they cannot stand the culture in it. Tats y I always empahsized be humble.
I hope i've explain n cld help some of u out there who has got the burning aspiration to be a spore girl. All the BEST!