mojobeng wrote:
Thanks for your intrest.
from your questioning, sounds grim and dead end.
could we PM for more details/clarification?
[email protected]
Had to ask all those tough questions. There are more but at present those question is sufficient enough to go forward for your case only. It is not dead and gloomy if you are providing all these as truthful as possible. I had many cases where the informants were testing my brain juice and at the end ridiculed me for all the informations I provided. Made me chased around the bush with their nonsensical infos. Pretty piss off , I must say.
Though I would like to have this under wraps with you but for the benefit others reading this, the initial reply will go out in the open. After this if you wish further assistance , make 5 post then PM. Sorry I cannot provide my e-mail address. If you wish to talk to me PM after 5 post .
OK, let's begin.........My thoughts are as follows. Correct me if I am wrong
1. I guess you used the SG PP for your son to travel out of Singapore and you dumped it after he attained his Oz citizenship and PP. In 1993 the PP is either 5 or 10 yrs, although you lost it, the SG PP has some years to go maybe One or 2 more years before it expires if it is a 10 year one.
2. Stop using the SG PP even if you have found it. not to travel with it at all. Same goes with the whole family if they have one too.
3. Under the law dual citizenship by descent if child of a Sger was born overseas and returned to attain SG PP. This minor is allowed to live in SG and study here. Travel on either one PP or have a right of entry stamp on the minor SG PP so that he can lives here even without applying for SG PP. Yours is the reverse as your child is born here in SG and you acquire foreign one soon after. As you are an SGer, your son is a Sger Fullstop. This overrides the foreign one unless you have informed SG ICA that your son has acquired one before the age of 10 (some say 5) this is disputable.
4. Based on your infos this will be my route going forward
a) I think you are under the radar as your child left at a young age and your whole family has renounce except yourself.
b) renounce your SG citizenship asap
c) as you have no CPF or anything else in SG yours will be a breeze. Do it asap.
d) If your family needs to travel do it with Ozzie PP after that
e) Then you go and ask someone in SG to go to CAB ICA and check if your son BC still listed in the population census. Do this after you have cleared yourself. I will tell you later if it is there.
f) Then comms with ICA providing your son foreign citizenship and PP.
g) Try to look for his SG PP as you need to make a photocopy of all his travelling even the empty pages as proof that he left at a very young age.
h) If you are NOT able to do that , you need to make a police report to that effect. It will be difficult as the travel pattern will make ICA decide if the child has benefit from SG socio economic. ICA can tracked your son SG PP travel pattern that is for sure. They are just trying to make you jump over hoops to get there that is all. Persevere.
Make sure you write detail explanation with all the supporting documents including yourself and wife Ozzie citizenship. You can leave out your other son from the equation.
i) If ICA allows you based on these then you are home free. You will recieve a letter for renounciation to get it notarise on all the docs.
If ICA does not allow and inform you to contact CMPB, you will told to contact either beYum Kah Leng , Esther or Ms Tan then it gets sticky
1. Chances are they will asked you to explain why you did not apply for EP for child etc when he turns 13 which is an NS offence under Enlistment Act and section 33 of the same act.
2. If it comes to crunches that you have to answer this charges back in SG with your son then it is your call to decide to go and clear it or toss it overboard. Do not come back at all to SG for a good measure
3. If you decide the latter travel using OZ PP. Chances are, you will pay a fine no more than 10 K max or 3 yrs jail. IMHO, your son's fine will not go to that extend as your family has left SG since he was ONE. You might get a fine too of 3K max for not carrying out your duties as a parent of NS Child but I do not think it will go to this extend as based on previous cases , the max was a fine of 5K only for child and parent $2K
4. If you chose not to go then appeal again but let's not go to that stage first . PM me after that once you are at that stage. I will try to be in this forum as long as I can. Good Luck and godspeed
The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.Yahoo !!!