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by ksl » Sun, 16 Jan 2011 9:45 am
Case is all about consumer protection and improving trading ethics.
I joined up, after the company involved in my dispute refused to negotiate with me. CASE only sent one letter to them, requesting that they negotiate with me.
The company then approached me to resolve the issue, I was offered cash to purchase a new sofa, though i refused and demanded that i wanted the same sofa.
They had stopped making that model due to the same complaints. Though I stood fast, that i wanted the same design, which they agreed to. Providing I chose a different leather.
The company then built a new sofa for me in black with white stitching.
I was very satisfied with the outcome.
For those that think it was PVC you are wrong, if you cannot distinguish the smell of leather and PVC, then i suggest you get some help.
I have worked in a tannery in my young days, and I can assure you I don't need any local help, when it comes to tanning leather. If you have doubts HSA will confirm.
The problem out here is that most producers of leather sofa's are in Malaysia or China with no quality control, and yes there are lots of fake leather sofa's about.
The membership card i have used on 2 other occasions with immediate settlement after threatening to take it to case, so I am more than pleased having the ace card in my wallet. If all fails it would have gone to the small claims court anyway!
I can also say that those who delivered my sofa, informed me, that i was the only one out of many to succeed in getting a new sofa, the others accepted between 1k and 1200 which they had to spend in the shop.
Last edited by
ksl on Sun, 16 Jan 2011 9:53 am, edited 1 time in total.