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Post by geerang » Fri, 14 May 2010 8:20 pm

irvine wrote:
geerang wrote: Yeah, some poor countries in SE Asia do have a thoroughly 3rd world mentality.

One country has large numbers of rape and violent crime. Walk around with your handbag and it may be gone. The police solicits for bribes. Racism. Power outtages. Scammers. Court cases take decades to be heard. Judicial system is a thorough joke.

Another is corrupted from top to bottom. You need to pay a bribe for everything, passport, water bills etc. Even the judges solicit for bribes. People are extremely poor and had racial riots not too long ago.

Some countries in North America and Europe have all these gangsters in inner cities having gun shoot outs. Gun crimes. Massive drug problem and drug addicts on every street. Violent crime at night. Swear words on TV and radio.

Thank god Singapore is a first world facility with first world mentality. It has rule of law, is multi racial and multi culturalism.
You call yourself a graduate student? LOL! But I'm not going to point out to you your argument flaws.

Next, explain to me why does your government need to have so many FINE rules and regulations? Is that to control people and also so people will conform? And what's with the tons of garbage in Singapore rivers every single day? Do you know the number of cleaners and cleaner boats it takes every single day to clean up the trash? Or did you always think Singapore rivers are always clean with no garbage?

And the best part, you guys make newater out of these very same rivers. Without water from Malaysia, perhaps water price here would be much higher, no?

We all need each other. There is nothing so superior in Singapore. Your economy status may be better than many neighboring countries, but it sure doesn't entitle you to bash others. Where is your integrity, respect, and benevolence that your ancestor's culture prides? Or have you simply forgotten your roots and values now that you've prospered?

Oh I forgot, that's what those campaigns are for!
Singapore and Malaysia are two totally different countries with entirely different culture, language and roots. The same goes for Singapore and Indonesia. Which was why the merger in 1960s did not work. Indonesia and Malaysia are almost exactly similar in culture, language and ideals though. You are so nutty I suggest you checked yourself into Woodbridge. I read on the newspapers they have renovated the place recently, I think you will feel more at home there.
Sgporean in France for one year master degree. Back to Spore by 2011!

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Post by JR8 » Fri, 14 May 2010 8:23 pm

geerang wrote:[
Here is a serious question. Does wellbutrin or prozac work better for you? And which year did you drop out of secondary school?

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Post by JR8 » Fri, 14 May 2010 8:36 pm

You are so nutty I suggest you checked yourself into Woodbridge [psychiatric hospital]. I read on the newspapers they have renovated the place recently, I think you will feel more at home there.[/quote]

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Mods, had enough yet of the bad-vibe distraction? FWIW I suspect most regular readers have.

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Post by irvine » Fri, 14 May 2010 8:40 pm

geerang, you were warned. Now be warned again. While you don't have to be nice, you do not have to be nasty.

Or else may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits!

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