Fatal mistake! Why did you announce to the world your plans? Right now, your IP address is being tracked and recorded. All you say and do will be held against you. The latest forensics software is being used to find out where you're logging from.martin82 wrote:Okay that seems to be a valid point
But how can anyone enforce that rule? It's not like I am going to apply for a job and earn a fixed salary. I just "happen to be" in Singapore most time of the year and send some bills to international customers which results in an income for my sole proprietor business. This income would be subject to taxation in Singapore.
How will they determine that "I have worked" in Singapore and punish me?
If you actually have a successfully operating business, I would apply for an Entrepass. I earlier contacted MOM after the changes were made, asking if they actually intended to restrict viable businesses which would pay taxes and earn foreign revenues even though they won't meet hiring requirements. The answer was, "we look at all cases on a one to one basis".martin82 wrote:Hehehe
No worries, dudes. I'm not going to do anything illegal. Thats why I keep asking questions here PRIOR to make any possibly illegal decisions.
I guess I will swallow the bitter pill and just travel to Singapore on a tourist visa while operating my business as a German sole proprietor subject to German tax *grrrrr*
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