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Suggestions on location for a young kids b-day party/picnic

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Suggestions on location for a young kids b-day party/picnic

Post by snaw » Tue, 11 May 2010 3:48 pm

just posted this in entertainment then thought maybe this is a more suitable forum to be asking.

Anyway, here goes:,

We're new to Singapore and our youngest is turning 2. Looking for suggestions on a place to have a picnic/birthday party for her. We don't know that many people as yet, so it's a small affair (max 10 people).

Anyone got any suggestions? Was thinking the joseph ballas gardens, but they've got some work being done for the next few weeks and it's noisy and the water area is closed off.

Many thanks

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Post by durain » Tue, 11 May 2010 7:57 pm

have a look at although a 2 years old wont enjoy much there unless there will be other older kids you will be inviting.

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Post by hbw65 » Wed, 12 May 2010 7:18 am

was going to recommend fidgets, also you can rent out the playhouse at Rochester Park Cafe and West Coast Park (playground/picnic). Does your blding have a function room that you can use? It's getting hot out for a 2 year old so we always tend to go somewhere that has an option for a/c.

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Post by snaw » Wed, 12 May 2010 9:22 am


Been to fidgets and it's fine but not really for the number of kids we're bringing or ages of some (Or even numbers, think it's for much bigger groups from what we could see).

I'll look at those others. We're having an early picnic, it'll be over by lunchtime so shouldn't get to mental and we find the whole function room thing a bit too sterile.

Any other suggestions welcome :)

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Post by missis » Wed, 12 May 2010 1:10 pm

Function rooms maybe "sterile" but surely it's too hot outside for a crowd of 2 year olds to play comfortably? Our friend's child turned two recently and she had a party at Grace Kids in Great World City. Grace plays the piano, leads dancing and singing, all the children had a blast! (Adults enjoyed it too!)

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Post by snaw » Wed, 12 May 2010 1:53 pm

Thanks Missus. Point taken about being outside, we were thinking a wee picnic with some sort of play area/water thing kids can run around in, but maybe that's because we're new and how we'd do it back in the UK.

If people get prickly about kids being outside then it's worth avoiding the issue (Kids are all from around 2-4 years old). Not a lot so guess we worry that some of these places may have minimum numbers etc

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Post by hbw65 » Wed, 12 May 2010 2:20 pm

lunchtime will be painfully hot...stay indoors if you can....parents will thank you.

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Post by snaw » Wed, 12 May 2010 2:47 pm

hbw65 wrote:lunchtime will be painfully hot...stay indoors if you can....parents will thank you.
Lunchtime it'll be over as I mentioned - we're not that ignorant of the conditions here ;)

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Post by cbavasi » Wed, 12 May 2010 9:20 pm

Watten Estate Park is a small neighborhood park with a nice little area - 2 swings, a big flat circle surrounding the park area to scooter, small play gym. It's quite shady and there are some great restaurants around the corner on Greenwood Ave - Pepperonis Pizza is the best in town (with 50+ beer menu).

GoCarting on West Coast Park (parking lot 2)... go early in the morning at 10am - get the carts are bicycle style that have a two seater - my 2 year old loved it and the 4 year olds could do their own. Bring a picnic.

Singapore Science Center has a small water play area that is contained within the Science Center. There is a small indoor cafe - call them and arrange to bring a cake - I've seen people do this.

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Birthday Party

Post by Sam Raj » Thu, 13 May 2010 1:48 pm

Build a Bear @ vivo city. You can organize a small play time at the water play area there and then proceed to build-a-bear for the party. :)

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Post by elbi » Thu, 13 May 2010 3:18 pm

how about the rainforest kidzworld at the zoo? if you check their website and look for "special programmes", they have packages, too. same goes for bird park

pasir ris park has a fantastic playground (but no water play) and is also quite shady. labrador is much smaller, quieter, with bbq pits. there's also sentosa which is pretty quiet in the mornings. you can organize some kind of brunch/lunch at coastes, club islander, or one of the hotels.

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Post by carolynW » Thu, 13 May 2010 6:32 pm

This may be worth a try, (not sure if there is the .sg), its run by Dr. Vinisha (9010 5004), she uses her home in a black and white for science modules for kids and sometimes she runs science based b'day parties. I know your kids may be a bit young for her bday parties, but if its a weekend where she is not booked, she may allow you or rent you the spot?

Her place has nice big trees, climbing structures, she can take out the pool, kids can run around, a resident retriever....

We go often just to hang out, my kids test out her science modules and its just nice to have a big area to run, definitely picnic space.

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Post by durain » Fri, 14 May 2010 10:26 pm

take away some rice box from any hawker center and have a mini picnic in vivocity (kids play area or upstairs on the roof).

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