germanguy wrote:Morning SMS,
thats a good joke

of receiving an acknowledgement email in return, Yes its true that I got some acknowledgement reply. But I want to ask if and only if somebody is interested to hire me how long normally it takes to give a response.
Can anybody enlighten

Unfortunately, that was not the question you initially asked in your initial post.
The way it usually works with the unprofessional Singaporean recruiters is that it will reside in their database until it grows moldy (but they won't delete it as they need that to brag on how many CV's they have in their databases (forget the fact that those people are no longer available). So, if, and that is a big IF, they manage to get a Job Description that vaguely resembles your CV it'll be sent to the employer in the off chance that they might get a nibble. Then and only then will you hear from them. At that point, it could be a month but more than likely, several months as they will not bother to contact you for any further information UNLESS they have a client who is interested. IF you get a request for interest or further information, it could be months possibly before you MIGHT get a message/call to set up an interview and if you do, you need to ensure that the position is ACTUALLY live. Employers here don't really play fair either in that they will tell the recruiters that they "may" be needing a "special person" so be on the lookout. This means that they are submitting a tender and need to flesh out the tender with actual CV's. So, you are submitted and it might be 6 months before the results of the tender are out. If the company doesn't win the tender, no position and the company doesn't normally let the recruiter know either.
Using Local Singapore Recruiters is a crap shoot at best and a total snafu at worst. Unfortunately, it the only game in town. You are better off using LinkedIn.