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Post by mrscappy » Fri, 07 May 2010 8:25 pm

Any Singapore KINDLE owners out there? Thinking of buying one in US B4 we relocate later this summer but have read mixed reviews about use overseas. If you have one, are you happy with it? Have you had any difficulty downloading books? Reviews, info appreciated:)

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Post by Segue » Wed, 19 May 2010 10:37 am

Kindle is awesome - I hardly buy paper books anymore. However, I don't have a Kindle device I use Kindle for iphone and PC.

Its best to buy one and get a US account established that bills to a US credit card before you leave. If you have a foreign account, the selection is very limited.

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Post by scarbowl » Wed, 19 May 2010 10:42 am

I've a US Kindle which works better there than here. Perhaps they've released the international version here by now?

I've subsequently purchased an iPad with a Kindle reader application. It blows away the Kindle in ease of use, screen quality, etc.

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Post by merichan » Wed, 19 May 2010 12:45 pm

I have an US Kindle and an iPad

I usually transfer via computer to upload the new books.

But you need to set up/ keep an US account at amazon... otherwise you can forget about buying Kindle books here...

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Post by Artur » Sat, 03 Jul 2010 12:10 am

I was using kindle 2 (international) in Singapore recently. There was no problems with direct connection to amazon shop and downloading new books (3G connection). I havn't seen any additional costs as well.
FYI: my default shop location is setup for Europe.

Hope it helps,


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Post by tropical_german » Wed, 09 Feb 2011 2:04 pm

I agree the Kindle is great!
I just bought the new Kindle 3 here in Singapore and I am very happy with it.

Here are some tips on how to get eBooks for your Kindle outside the USA.

- You can find .mobi book collections (3500 popular Kindle books) on bit torrent pages and upload them directly to the Kindle 3 using the USB or WiFi connection. The .mobi format is ideal for the Kindle and you can do all kinds of text formatting.

- Another option to get your favorite book onto your kindle is downloading free eBooks from platforms like Project Gutenberg These pages provide classic books for everybody to read for free.

- If you really need the latest and greatest books it's fairly easy to buy them from Amazon directly. Just set up an RealVNC account to USA and you can buy Amazon ebooks in the Amazon shop without problems. (Reason: Amazon is checking your IP address and only sells ebooks to US customers. By using your RealVNC account you appear to be situated in USA).

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Kindle app on European iPad?

Post by Hawkfall » Wed, 23 Feb 2011 10:58 pm

I currently live in Italy and have an iPad with an Italian iTunes store account and the Kindle app installed. This means that I can purchase books from the Kindle Store in the US Amazon site (

If I were to move in Singapore, would I be able to purchase books this way, if I had an iPad either with a European or Singapore iTunes account?

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Post by snowqueen » Fri, 04 Mar 2011 1:38 pm

I got my husband a Kindle for Christmas. I bought it using my UK Amazon account and had it shipped to my mum, then she posted it here to Singapore. My husband has no issues at all buying books for it either directly from the Kindle or using the laptop.

As I'm constantly receiving emails confirming payments for books that my husband has ordered, it appears to be the gift that keeps on giving, or taking in my case.

Best thing I've ever bought though as now I don't have tonnes of books filling up the house.

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Post by scarbowl » Sat, 05 Mar 2011 4:55 pm

A US-purchased Kindle might not work wirelessly here on a GSM network. In US, the Kindle uses a CDMA network. Best to check first or buy it here.

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Post by Hawkfall » Wed, 06 Apr 2011 9:20 pm

snowqueen wrote:I got my husband a Kindle for Christmas. I bought it using my UK Amazon account and had it shipped to my mum, then she posted it here to Singapore. My husband has no issues at all buying books for it either directly from the Kindle or using the laptop.

As I'm constantly receiving emails confirming payments for books that my husband has ordered, it appears to be the gift that keeps on giving, or taking in my case.

Best thing I've ever bought though as now I don't have tonnes of books filling up the house.
I realise I'm posting this a bit late, but can I ask if you are making the purchases from the Kindle Store or the US one? The reason I'm asking is that I live in Italy, have an account with, but can only make kindle purchases through the US store, which handles US and international orders. I guess my question is, would I be able to buy books either from the UK or US store if I were based in Singapore with a Singapore credit card?

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Post by JR8 » Wed, 06 Apr 2011 9:52 pm

I bought my wife in Germany a Kindle, and had to get is from Amazon in the US.

She can also only D/L books from Amazon in the US. Only small gripe was UK based relatives gave us an gift voucher that she could not use for downloads (on

Otherwise she, an uber-voracious reader, absolutely loves it.

p.s. Edit to add.

It has not been back to Asia since, but as it is G3/wi-fi'd up (or what ever) it supposedly will function globally...

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Post by snowqueen » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 1:39 pm

JR8 wrote:I bought my wife in Germany a Kindle, and had to get is from Amazon in the US.

She can also only D/L books from Amazon in the US. Only small gripe was UK based relatives gave us an gift voucher that she could not use for downloads (on
I recently found out that my husband is having a similar problem. I bought him the Kindle from the UK but my dad in the US bought him an Amazon gift card for Christmas to download more books only to find that he can't. Very annoying. Guess I will use the money to buy myself something instead :D

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Post by JR8 » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 4:12 pm

snowqueen wrote:
JR8 wrote:I bought my wife in Germany a Kindle, and had to get is from Amazon in the US.

She can also only D/L books from Amazon in the US. Only small gripe was UK based relatives gave us an gift voucher that she could not use for downloads (on
I recently found out that my husband is having a similar problem. I bought him the Kindle from the UK but my dad in the US bought him an Amazon gift card for Christmas to download more books only to find that he can't. Very annoying. Guess I will use the money to buy myself something instead :D
Ironic isn't it, you've kinda got the exact reverse of our problem!

p.s. Something else to mention. If you try and order a Kindle from a non-US Amazon site, say for example it will redirect you to through which your order will be processed. The redirect is pretty seamless and it is possible to not fully register that you're on a different site.

If you then go back to, your pending order will not be there (it is on the .com site instead!). I actually thought my initial order had not gone through and nearly bought two! Luckily I twigged in time and was able to cancel one before the two orders were processed.

I bet Amazon get a load of complaints/queries over that wrinkle in their system!

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Post by JayCee » Fri, 06 May 2011 10:23 am

eumorastore wrote:I just bought a Kindle from a seller in Singapore . Love it . Super slim and light . What a great ebook .

For some guide on getting a kindle 3 in singapore
Not advertising much :roll:

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Post by poodlek » Fri, 06 May 2011 11:48 am

FWIW my husband bought me a Kindle just before I gave birth and it's been the best mom-gadget I have. It's so awesome having my whole bookshelf (nay, a whole bookstore!) at arm's reach when I'm nursing. Downloading books is dangerously easy. I don't know much about the international zoning for publications, but I have a Canadian Amazon account and I use my Singapore Visa to make purchases, and it works fine.
I also got a cover for my Kindle which makes it look like a leather bound book, and has a built in light that works off the Kindle's power. Perfect for nursing at night time :-)

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