crunkbabee wrote:Hello, a family member recently was charged with shoptheft. This is her second time getting arrested. First was an encounter at BHG and she was let off with a warning.
However 3 years later, she stole a phone. She returned the phone after to the owner and the owner called the police. Her reason in doing so was because she wanted to cover the last semester of her school fees. Her dad works odd jobs and her mom left her a year ago and she still has a brother who is studying thus times were hard for her.
Does any of you here knows what is the likely charges she will receive? she is currently 20 years old.Is there any possibilities for leniency due to her reasons? and the already returned it cus she felt guilty after that. Will she get a sentence or a fine? If so, how long and how much?
I could really use some help on this. Thank you

Ok , just called my friend in the police force.
1.Average penalty for theft which does not involved bodily harm or grevious injury to the victim is $1,000 or more or equivalent to 1 and half time the amount you took. This is first time offender
2. Average penalty for repeat offender of the same situation is 6 months jail and $3K to $5K or both depending the seriousness of the repeat offending and as per no.1
3. Third time incarceration period....
Next, mitigation plea by offender normally takes into consideration but if you are a repeat offender and the PP asked for deterrent sentence that's it you're done for
Next , the SG Law application is NOT the same as UK Law. Many has changed to suit the local . Social worker will only be involved for delinquent juvenile i.e below 16 years of age.
Once you are over that you are tried as an adult.
Most jail time for this crime is at Queenstown Remand Prison
I repeat average penalty and fine meted out by the judge.
Personally IMHO fine and jail time
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