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full Montessori programme before primary school and then?

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full Montessori programme before primary school and then?

Post by lsac0902 » Tue, 04 May 2010 10:06 pm


I'd like to know the experience of parents whose kids were on a full Montessori programme before primary and then, they join the "normal" school system (local or international).

I have the opportunity to put my child in the Montessori programme. I see all the advantages of the programme and I'm aware that he's going to learn a lot. But I'm afraid that he will bored later when is in the "normal" system.

What do you think?


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Post by gravida » Wed, 05 May 2010 9:00 am

Montessori in Singapore is SO different than a Montessori you may be familiar with from other places. They do not teach thinking or generalization skills here. I have seen kids who are able to add and subtract only using spindles or sticks, as well as recognize phonics only with wooden letters, but are not able to answer simple questions like "how many cards do you have in your hand?" (the particular child was counting -1,2,3,4... and there was no final answer, asked again - started from one). I will avoid local Montessori for my child as much as possible.

If you plan to send your child to a local primary school, then you do not have to worry about him being bored. The academic demands here are c-r-a-z-y, teachers are not able to go through the curriculum thoroughly, I've been told couple of times by parents that this is a tutor's role to help the kids understand the topic. Teacher's role is to mention it in the school. :roll:

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Post by samsarah » Sun, 20 Jun 2010 11:17 pm

Hi ,

I beg to differ. I am a Montessori teacher in a Kindergarten here. We adhere very much to the MOntessori philosophies and principles that children learn from concrete (materials) to abstract (can be worksheet base activities). The main difference withthe local MOntessori schools and the ones wordlwide could be the introduction of worksheets but that's done only to 'climatize' the child and help give them a taste when they progress to the primary level. It;s certainly not used as the maid medium for teaching concepts

We have asked parents whose chidlren have graduated how they are coping in the primary schools and most if not all have replied that there child is certainly more confident and articulated. The only problem the children may face is "why are the teachers here (in pri school) so fierce.

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Post by Blue Sapphire » Mon, 23 Aug 2010 9:06 pm

My child has been in local montessori for 2 years already, he is 3 yrs old and is doing very well. And when I asked him how many bananas are there, he would say 5. So I really don't know what some people have against local montessori. They are just fine. A different approach to teaching kids stuff where they learn according to each individual's ability and speed without any pressure. Which is a good thing compared to structured learning. And they have fun learning thinking its all play.

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Post by gravida » Tue, 24 Aug 2010 5:03 pm

"some people have against local montessori" the fact that it does not follow Maria's Montessori method and leads toward more structured and academically driven approach than the real Montessori. M. believes in following the child's natural way of development simply by structuring the environment and providing appropriate resources. I have not seen it in Sg (but I am not saying it does not exist, I have not been checking curriculums all over the island ;), I've only got some information on few places). When you look for example on some of the end of the term reports, the main focus is on academics achievement, on reaching next goals, ticking another boxes. It has nothing to do with the "natural way of development" or learning through play. In the preschools I've been observing they only apply the name and use the resources created by the Montessori school, but they do not follow the philosophy, IMHO

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Post by Blue Sapphire » Tue, 24 Aug 2010 6:50 pm

I see what you mean. But I guess here in SG, they modify it in a way that paves the way for if the child goes into the local primary school.

But I'm quite happy with where my child is at. They do have a progression check list at the end of every semester all about the child's ability in sharing, communicating with peers etc. They also teach phonics, mandarin put just singing and poems at that age, arts and craft, occasional baking etc. Play time is the playground. Meets what I would prefer my child to be doing in a preschool and he quite happy there so it works well.

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Post by gravida » Tue, 24 Aug 2010 9:32 pm

Blue Sapphire wrote:Meets what I would prefer my child to be doing in a preschool and he quite happy there so it works well.
And that's great :) As long as you are happy and your child too.
Yet, I've pointed out to the OP the difference between Montessori in lets say Europe and Sg, as I presumed he/she is new to Singapore and may not know yet how academically driven the school system is.

It really scares me when I hear parents of three years old kid complaining that the little one does not read yet :???:

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Montessori for Children (Newton)

Post by Christina888 » Thu, 28 Jun 2012 8:20 pm

Any expat mums sending their children here? What have your experiences been? Do you plan to go back home and then put your child into school? Do you think they will assimilate?

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