There's an unwritten rule that any monthly rental less than $2k (it might be $2,5k now) the fees are paid by the tenant. But as I might have mentioned on here before, I refuse to pay any Agents fees.expat81 wrote:But the agent is acting on behalf of the landlord, therefore surely the landlord should foot the fee?
Out of curiousity - would expats prefer to go through agent to get a rented place or are you open to going to landlords directly via classified ads?ksl wrote:Naturally if you use the agent, you have to pay for the service.
If you find a room without the agents help, you discuss the rental with the landlord, you do not pay the agent fee unless the Landlord says you must go through the agent.
Rarely is a landlord & Agent agreement exclusive and even if it was, it is not the tenants probem.
The problem is between agent & Landlord not tenant.
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