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Looking for a Caucasean friend

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Looking for a Caucasean friend

Post by tkuanhoo » Sat, 01 May 2010 5:22 pm

Some requirements:

1. No tattoos (I dont like hanging out with tattooed men, I find it very low class and disgusting)
2. No criminal record
3. Does not abuse drugs and alcohol (Obviously!)
4. Does not smoke cigarrettes
5. Some level of intelligence
6. Is a professional ( no office boys/girls/construction workers)
7. Does not use vulgarities
8. No mental illnesses

Hope I am not too demanding! Please PM me if you are interested. Thanks.

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Location: Singapore

Re: Looking for a Caucasean friend

Post by Nath21 » Sat, 01 May 2010 10:06 pm

tkuanhoo wrote:Some requirements:

1. No tattoos (I dont like hanging out with tattooed men, I find it very low class and disgusting)
2. No criminal record
3. Does not abuse drugs and alcohol (Obviously!)
4. Does not smoke cigarrettes
5. Some level of intelligence
6. Is a professional ( no office boys/girls/construction workers)
7. Does not use vulgarities
8. No mental illnesses

Hope I am not too demanding! Please PM me if you are interested. Thanks.
Your in luck I am looking for a local imbecile so we should get along like a house on fire. Lets meet up and discuss how to deal with your dodgy caucasion electrician, or I might be able to solve your problem with getting rid of your old furniture or we can discuss how America and the uk are dirty and full of old buildings and rubbish and all I ask is that you stop coming to my condo and swim.

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Joined: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 2:49 pm

Post by Du-scheißt-nie-mehr » Sat, 22 May 2010 6:23 pm

SPG. Fick dich.

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