Heytkuanhoo wrote:Singaporeans are not Chinese, most haven't even been to China before. They are Singaporeans.Plavt wrote:What!tkuanhoo wrote:
PS: I don't even think "face" is a part of mainstream Singaporean culture. Amazing how ignorant you are about Singapore even though you are a moderator. Pathetic.Do you live on the moon? Around 80% of Singaporeans are Chinese and saving face has always been part of Chinese culture to the best of my knowledge.
The "saving face", "kiasu", "5 Cs" etc are really just overblown stereotypes. Sure some are like that but most are not. I haven't heard the word "face" for decades now until a lowlife here mentioned it.
You have been mickeying SMS for some time now which is uncalled for.
What are you trying to prove ?
You cannot even back up your answer on my previous question on immigration and PR . Here you are posting another one as though you know alot of stuff ??
If you do not know just shut your trap.
Either you an adopted son of Harry , your name seems to sound the same as him.
Or you seem not to know when to take off your diaper or not. Either way you are not a troll , you must be a gremlin
Are you hungry ? But wait it is not midnight yet !!!
You know the joke is on you !!!!