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Finishing University Studies

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Finishing University Studies

Post by velsius » Tue, 27 Apr 2010 4:57 pm

Hi all,

I am considering studying a PhD in Singapore at NUS. My question is this, after I finish studying how long am I allowed to stay in Singapore and pursue employment?

Or am I required to leave immediately and pursue employment from outside Singapore?...which I think will be inconvenient especially if I have to fly back for interviews and such.


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Location: Singapore

Post by wcs » Thu, 29 Apr 2010 5:12 am

You can stay til the end of your student visa. If you have a good admin person at uni they can give you a date that goes up until almost the start of the next academic year.

If they are going by the book, they only need give you until your final defense of your thesis is over and you are considered to have passed everything.

In the time from when you have finished your uni commitments until the end of your visa, you are allowed to work in Singapore, as this is how internships are handled. So long as the uni does not object to you working.

Once your student pass is ending, you can go down to ICA (immigration) and hand back your student pass and they will give you a social visit visa for the length of time that a visitor from your country would normally get. This could be as short as a week or as long as three months depending on the passport you hold.

You could then apply for an EPEC, and a long term social visit visa for 12 months, whilst you are looking for a job.

You have lots of options.

Good luck.

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