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by movingtospore » Mon, 19 Apr 2010 5:55 pm
Yep, about the only place a large double stroller will work here is when you are truly outside, walking in the botanical garden, east coast park, etc. You'd never be able to walk around most stores here, you'd knock down half the stands...
Also, if you plan to take busses/train at all, you'd really be in trouble.
The phil and teds one might be OK, or better yet stick with a single stroller for the babe and get one of the those platform/seats for your toddler. I would still bring a single, small umbrella stroller with you (good quality one like Maclaren's), and a good quality baby carrier for your newborn. This will be more mobile for Singapore's crowded sidewalks and malls and busses.
Whatever you decide buy it before you come as you will pay 2 or 3x the price here and have less selection. Good luck!