Saint wrote:Buying the extended warranty then ties you in to having car serviced at main dealer so another extra cost. It just a way that the Agent's ensure you have to go to main dealer. Much cheaper to get servicing done outside.
That is very true!
Not only that though! Honouring the extended warranty in Singapore is really when you have to fight for your rights! Becuase customer service is very bad here!
I have a case going on now, over extended warranty, but not on a vehicle on furniture! I have CASE involved and the 35$ membership fee is well worth the effort.
I have just refused the offer they gave me, because of lies, bad service, and the offer was all in their favour not mine.
The unqualified surveyor that visited my home and tried to say it was my fault such an idiot who thought he could bullshit me into believing him, though i have more experience in the product than he does.
So it will be a court case, if the problem isn't fixed.