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Being paid in Singapore but living in Indonesia

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Being paid in Singapore but living in Indonesia

Post by xander19 » Wed, 31 Mar 2010 8:28 pm


I'm from the Netherlands and I got a job offer from a company in Singapore with activities in Indonesia. As a resutl I will get my salary paid out from Singapore ut I'll be living in Singapore for mot of the year.

Can anyone tell me in which country I have to pay my income taxes and an indication (%) of how much?

Kind regards,

Posts: 36
Joined: Fri, 07 Nov 2008 7:27 pm

Post by banker » Wed, 31 Mar 2010 8:58 pm

Your Singapore earned employment income is taxable in Singapore. However, you can check with IRAS if you qualify for "Not Ordinarily Resident Scheme" (NOR).

If you are given NOR status, you will enjoy tax benefits including you will not be taxed on the portion of your Singapore employment income that corresponds to the number of days you have spent outside Singapore for business reasons.

NOR Qualifying conditions:
- you must be a non Singapore tax resident (NR) in the past 3 years of assessment (YA); and in that YA in which you first qualify for the NOR status, you must be a Singapore tax resident (R)

- You must have spent at least 90 days outside Singapore for business.

- You must have a minimum employment income of $160,000.

Where the tax on your apportioned income is below 10% of your total Singapore employment income, you will be subject to a tax of 10% of your Singapore employment income.

I'm not sure about your Indonesian tax liabilities.
I love Singapore

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