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by nextekcrew » Sun, 11 Apr 2010 10:02 pm
went there at 12nn, i arrived there and there was a queue for the ladies outside the room, i was the only guy during that time, i was just standing there waiting for the lady to notice me as, i didn't see any guys so i thought of joining the ladies queue hehe. then she asked me if i was there for the open day and asked for my cv, i gave her my documents and she commented on my photo since i looked different, i was very dark and tanned in my photo (after too much fun in the sun) he he. she told me if i don't get a call within the week then consider yourself unsuccessful, no small talk or anything like the guys in this forums discussed before.
I'm expecting to be called within this week, since the open day was mainly for the ladies. Unless we get any feedbacks of guys getting the call last Saturday, then we can consider trying again next time, but for now lets keep our hopes up and fingers crossed. Its not over till its over.