Hi I want to ask about the EP process
Currently I'm in student pass, last month I get a job and then they apply EP for me, its rejected and then they appeal, then last week I call the company to cancel the employment with them basically I ask to cancel the appeal ..they quite unhappy because of that, I know that is my fault and I apologize to them.
because I haven't sign anything and they haven't give me any offer letter, so I think I can cancel
what I want to ask is,
will it make a problem to me to cancel like that?or the company can blacklist me in MOM?
is other company can still apply EP for me? if the first company unhappy and don't void the appeal
can I cancel the appeal myself?or I just wait until the appeal expired?
because I think the appeal won't be success also because they need scan of original certificate and I haven't give to them