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Pte. Ltd. yearly expenses for paperwork, inhouse or ousource

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Pte. Ltd. yearly expenses for paperwork, inhouse or ousource

Post by David-asia » Sat, 06 Mar 2010 4:17 pm

As I come up on my 1year anniversary, I'm learning of new ongoing expenses.

AGM Filing (annual general meeting)
You need to file this yearly, filing cost is s$20. If you hire an outside firm to prepare it, preparation fee s$130. This will be included as a part of my secretary service package.

Taxes - preparation, filing and submission of your yearly financial statements and forms for taxes (including consulting on how to reduce etc..) s$850

I'm wondering if the AGM and tax perpetration overlaps and I'm being billed 2x? Can I use the data from the AGM for my tax forms?

Of course these costs can be eliminated if you can prepare the documentation yourself.

Do you guys self prepare our hire out?


PS Entrepass was renewed- took about 3 weeks from sending in renewal till approval letter. Fortunately i entered under the old criteria :)

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