crocss22 wrote:Splatted wrote:crocss22 wrote:
Hey bro, I have a secret to tell you. Don't tell it to anyone else k?
There is this thing called the Internet where you can hear different English dialects all over the world with a few clicks of the mouse. You can watch millions of videos and talk to different people on it as well.
Growing up, we did not have the internet. But we had a box with people living in it. If you have such a magic box, you might find a lot of Americans and British people living in it and chatting with each other in their dialect.
We also have a device that goes "ring ring..ring ring"
Pssst...another secret is that we have metal birds that can fly us to different places in the world for holiday and work. I have rode these metal birds before and they have taken me to far far away places and back.
Assuming someone has half a brain, he or should would be able to benchmark his language skills and accent with those of other speakers around the world very easily indeed.
This is how you know that someone like "EADG" is a fool.
Pssst...Singaporean English teachers do speak English fluently you know. They used to speak fluent English when I was in school. It can't be that they dont speak fluent English...oh wait could it be that someone is trying to be demeaning and arrogant towards them?
what? damn...gotta use those math and science skills to figure this out pronto!
And yet you have difficulty with your "th"'s on occasion, as well as the odd plural when you speak, eg "foreigner" instead of "foreigners".
Do you even notice when you make these mistakes? Do your fellow friends correct you when you make these slips, or do they make the same mistakes as well?
I did notice those errors while replaying. There were obvious grammatical errors in some of my sentences as well but I was trying to rush the entire thing into 10mins which is the max lenght of a youtube video and I was speaking impromptu. And I just woke up as well.
But I bet your little brain would go, tadaaa! there singlish! all Singaporeans speak that way! see the "th"? see!
But hey, thanks for marking my youtube video. Mr English purist aka Mr "I have the right to mark your English" aka Mr "my accent is better than yours" aka Mr "Singaporeans dont speak English at home that is just a rediculous assertion!" aka Mr "singstat is lying, I am right".
It is just the way it is. Many people go into a new country and always magnify all the flaws to make themselves feel better. Especially if they are very insecure. Not all do so, but many do.
Enjoy the company of "sgboyxxxx" and other sarong party boys.
"Sgboyxxx" types in an illiterate manner; easy for you to bash his "singlish" and feel good about yourself. btw, i dont even understand wth sgboyxxx is typing. it is definitely not singlish, he is just plain illiterate in English. I am quite sure has not been educated to O levels, most probably not even to PSLE and speaks Mandarin/ Mandarin dialects at home.
but hey, don't let me burst your bubble.
He suits this forum perfectly. I don;t. <- see i told you, singaporeans dont know how to use the apostrophe. they are "non native" speakers and we speak better than them.
it's all good for a laugh anyway.
In case you missed it, I merely brought these points up to show how sometimes we ourselves can't be a great judge of our own standard.
It was a point you tried to use as an opportunity to try and ridicule and side step with your internet argument, magic boxes and what-have-you.
And yes, I'm aware that this is not "singlish", however I question whether you would even notice or catch yourself slip with the odd singlish word when going out with your friends, all relaxed and no camera around recording for youtube.
Even I on occasion find myself inadvertently using a Singlish word , eg "blur" instead of "confused", amongst other examples. It comes from living a few years immersed in a society. How much harder is it for people that have lived in Singapore their entire lives?
Regarding Singstat. Statistics don't lie, but as we clearly proven tonight, those taking the census are not infallible when making certain assertions as to their level of English.
If all statistics were *always* factual, then you would be surprised at how many people live in Australia and profess "Jedi Knight" their chosen religion, according to the last census - just because a certain subset of the population said so.