Springbok wrote:Hello everybody
I have an opportunity to teach in Singapore within the Ministry of Education. I just wanted to find out a couple of things and would appreciate any answers or advice on the following:
1. Is S$3 400 a decent salary there? I think it’s around 2 400USD.
2. What is it like teaching in Singapore?
3. How much does a person spend on monthly expenses? I know this various from person to person, but I would just like to get a medium idea
If any teachers are reading this, could you please PM me if you wouldn’t mind helping me out with a couple of other queries?
Am assuming you're single and hence there isn't a question of bringing your family here. But if it is otherwise then, I can tell you straight up that SGD 3400 would be inadequate.
1.You need to consider the entire package being offered to you. Housing is one of the big ticket items when it comes to expenses. If they're offering you staff quarters that would equate to atleast a 1000 SGD (if you were looking for a decent place to stay even in the most farflung suburb). Witht hat out of the way, even if you were to spend 20$ a day on food your monthly expense works out to an incremental 600$. Staff quarters are typically close to the institute so hopefully you save on the transport cost too. Apart from that you will need to factor in your lifestyle. If you live conservatively, you should able to save 1500 SGD a month. If thats good enough for you then great!
2. Can't help with that.
3. Kind of covered in 1. above

Oh and by the way you get a crazy amount of leave- I think it was 42 days or something which is awesome. Someone told me they'd modified it to 21 days but thats not too bad either. Other perks include tickets to your home city and back and also one time relocation expenses reimbursement.
Hope this helps! All the very best

For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the sheltered will never know.