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job hunting question... confused

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Post by leonar3d » Thu, 01 Apr 2010 6:53 pm

Thanks for replying!

I went to the ICA before posting, but they said I couldn't extend (although I never extended before).

Anyways today I went to JB and back and I got my new visit pass with no problems at all. Not sure if it has anything to do with the fact that I have an European Passport or not.

@banker: thanks for the info. I already know several people that are working in the industry so that certainly helped me to get a job already. Now I'm just waiting to see what MOM decides...

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Post by Global Player » Fri, 09 Apr 2010 1:40 am

banker wrote:Hi Leonard,

Your CV is very impressive.
Leonard, this line in your CV doesn't make an "advanced" impression ;)

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Post by childofprodigy » Sun, 11 Apr 2010 5:58 am

xtasy010 wrote:Did you receive a letter from ICA inviting you to apply for PR? If you did then you should show that to the employer. Its almost equivalent to having a PR. Once you have an offer letter you can apply for PR and the ICA will stamp a temp EP on your passport and you can start work immediately.
Hi there...I have a question about this letter from ICA you're mentioning....Can you point me to a link that has more information about this letter? Do you get this letter if you study and finish a degree in Singapore or something?

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Sun, 11 Apr 2010 12:47 pm

childofprodigy wrote:
xtasy010 wrote:Did you receive a letter from ICA inviting you to apply for PR? If you did then you should show that to the employer. Its almost equivalent to having a PR. Once you have an offer letter you can apply for PR and the ICA will stamp a temp EP on your passport and you can start work immediately.
Hi there...I have a question about this letter from ICA you're mentioning....Can you point me to a link that has more information about this letter? Do you get this letter if you study and finish a degree in Singapore or something?
Yes & No.

Yes, you can possibly receive the invitation letter if you finished a degree in certain vetted schools here in Singapore. No, everybody does not receive them even if they DO go to one of the schools. As the government as access to those schools I am sure that they check out the students before sending them an invitation letter to apply for PR. Please note that it's an "Invitation to Apply for PR". It's NOT a "right" to PR. There is a big difference. They are not obligated to send the letter to all graduates in a cohort. They send it to those that they would like to see stay in Singapore. There are cases recently where a number of students have not received this letter.

I've never actually seen a link as this is not something you can apply for, it's something that immigration does of their own accord an therefore is not open to discussion or negotiation.

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Post by leonar3d » Sun, 18 Apr 2010 7:07 pm

@Global Player:
crap, I totally missed that one! I took that one from German..... that's why I didn't noticed it, thanks for pointing it out! :p

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Post by ksl » Mon, 19 Apr 2010 12:42 pm

leonar3d wrote:@Global Player:
crap, I totally missed that one! I took that one from German..... that's why I didn't noticed it, thanks for pointing it out! :p
If you want success, you need to understand your own character and those of others...Also employers may need guidance on how to submit your case...

If you look at the problem that needs solving, you may have a chance of success.

Problem is the gahman has tightened the qualifying criteria to slow down the inflow of foreigners, looking for better qualified talent.

So the problem is a technical hindrance deliberately put in place.

What is your goal?
Why (intent)
Where (Location)

To reach your goal you must address the technical hindrance, subordinate steps to improve your primary goal are needed. Address the issues of growth and employment opportunities for Singaporeans.

Make alternative goals to get your message across, through the employing company and ensure that data gets passed on to the Gahman, they have to convince them why you are special.

If you want to be special, and succeed, you need to implement change in your life and tackle your fears head on.

A good soldier will do is research before planning, asking the questions above. He will then have a systematic check list to follow, to cover the what if's....there is no room for errors, otherwise your mission is doomed to failure.

Implementing change is not easy, because of bad habits, though challenging yourself, will improve the change if successful, achieving goals set by yourself is the first step to success.

Try and search out on the net the special forces approach to solving problems. There are check lists, that can be applied in business which civilians wouldn't dream of.

Open mindedness is one of them, because peoples experiences are all different, some people are more open to address the problem,,,again its bad habits, negative thinking, and the fears of failure, that weaken the character.....Test yourself always, and achieve personal goals outside of your comfort zone to implement change in character!

I have just finished reading your resume, which is very good, though for me personally it is lacking your character.

You need to analyse, what makes you stand out above your competition Singaporeans.

Do a SWOT on yourself. and include a mission statement, using your strengths and sell it to the employer and the gahman. Ignore the rules of resumes if they do not allow your mission statement at the end. Be special be different and always include a photo.

I have just searched what i was looking for to make you more special, read and apply the carver matrix, in your life for more success, I'm sure the Italian force has a similar check list when setting goals. ... -analysis/

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Post by singasian » Tue, 20 Apr 2010 1:36 pm

Employment pass is something that you can get when you get offer from company so that it is not something you can get when you don't have a job. However, you can apply for PR by yourself.

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Post by leonar3d » Thu, 22 Apr 2010 6:58 pm

thanks ksl for all the info, I appreciate that! That's an interesting read!
I haven't considered to use this kind of "project management" to obtain goals in civil life. After all, military spending produces something useful for me.

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