Singapore Expats

EP/'Common Law Spouse' regulations

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kate I

EP/'Common Law Spouse' regulations

Post by kate I » Wed, 11 Feb 2004 5:54 pm

I have received a firm offer from our Singapore Office to go work there and am currently applying for my EP. My boyfriend also has a job offer to work there and is also applying for his EP. My question is this: as a british couple, do we also need to aquire an embassy certified letter stating that we are a 'common law couple'? My understanding so far has been that you only need this letter if one of you is planning on applying for a Dependants Pass, which is not the case in our situation as we will both be EP holders (hopefully-if they get approved).

Can anyone shed any light on this matter for me? I have heard various contradictory messages..




Re:EP/'Common Law Spouse' regulations

Post by Guest » Sun, 15 Feb 2004 9:22 pm

Kate, if you are applying for your own EP, then your application will stand on it's own and not be linked to your partner. If you qualify for the EP, then you more or less prove that you can support yourself and you have business being in this country.

You would only need the embassy letter, if you wanted to live with your partner as his dependent. Also, unless you are legally married you can't apply for a dependent pass. In a common law situation you would only be issued a Long Term Social Visit pass.

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