Hi there,
I posted this query a long time ago.
I recently revisited my original question:
I need to find out if a Singapore PR ,owner of a landed property can legally rent out his property?
The answer is yes he can however he/she must make an application for "variation of condition under the residential property act".
THis form is called form VC and can be found on the SLA website:
http://www.sla.gov.sg/doc/ser/Forms_Apr ... m%20VC.pdf
This is the response I received from the helpful & prompt staff at SLA :
If you would like to rent out the subject property, you will be required to submit a formal application in Form VC to vary the condition of owner-occupation that was imposed on you when you were granted approval. The form can be downloaded from our website, http://www.sla.gov.sg/htm/ser/ser0307.htm. A fee of $800 is payable. The application form must be submitted together with relevant supporting documents in support of the application. Please note that each application will be assessed on its own merits. "
So my next question is regarding the success rate of such an application?
I wonder if there are any Users on here that have made a sucessful application?
I'd be interested in hearing about the process & the supporting documentation you have submitted with your application.