My prospective job in Singapore includes what I would call a "basic" health insurance, however I would like to supplement it with my own package, that I would pay for myself. This is mainly because the insurance offered and paid for by my employer seems to have fairly limited coverage.
Are any of you aware of special packages to do this? Some of the options I'd be looking at:
- Coverage in Singapore only (any other countries would be either a vacation for which I could buy travel insurance or job travel) or global (ok to not include US and Canada).
- Coverage for any kind of illness, from accidents or just health
- No preexisting conditions.
The tricky part is that "low costs" (such as the occasional doctor's visit)would be covered by my contract from my job, and the very high / catastrophical costs (such as, god forbid, cancer etc.) would be covered with my dormant insurance in my home country, which I would reactivate in such a case. I guess what I'm looking for is coverage for health issues that cost a lot, and therefore would not be completely covered by my job insurance, but are not catastrophic.
Any input or ideas? Thanks![/list]