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Wardrobes or Built-in's? Bicycles?? Delivery times?

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Wardrobes or Built-in's? Bicycles?? Delivery times?

Post by KindClare » Tue, 26 Jan 2010 3:17 am

Hello all. Brand new member here. American family relocating from UK to Singapore in the next 6 months. I'm sure these are my first of many many questions . . .

1. Are built-in closets the norm in Singapore (as in America) or are freestanding wardrobes the standard (as in UK)?

2. Would you recommend bicycles as a activity / occasional transport method for families with kids? (Aged 4 and 7) Obviously the terrain is probably flat enough but as my kids are not proficient yet on bicycles - are there bike lanes? Is the traffic sane enough that kids on bikes are safe? Are there bike trails? Are bicycles stolen regularly?

3. Anyone who has moved from UK - can you tell me how long it took for your things to arrive? When we moved from the US we were told 4-6 weeks but it took 10 very painful and expensive weeks!

Thanks in advance!!

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Re: Wardrobes or Built-in's? Bicycles?? Delivery times?

Post by Mad Scientist » Tue, 26 Jan 2010 3:48 am

1. Are built-in closets the norm in Singapore (as in America) or are freestanding wardrobes the standard (as in UK)?

You can have both here, It depends whether you are renting or buying . Free Standing ones are cheaper here compare to England. Make more room for the container if you buy it here.

2. Would you recommend bicycles as a activity / occasional transport method for families with kids? (Aged 4 and 7) Obviously the terrain is probably flat enough but as my kids are not proficient yet on bicycles - are there bike lanes? Is the traffic sane enough that kids on bikes are safe? Are there bike trails? Are bicycles stolen regularly?

Yes but no bike lanes on roads only at the park or the bush trail . Safe but not adviseable for the young ones as they are too young. There will be some wackos on the road whom has no regards to bikers like any other country.

3. Anyone who has moved from UK - can you tell me how long it took for your things to arrive? When we moved from the US we were told 4-6 weeks but it took 10 very painful and expensive weeks!

It depends on how shipment is done. Container or per metre cubic ie palletize(which is cheaper) On the average 6 weeks . Unless you want to pay by air which will cost you arm and leg. Again you have to clear customs blah blah..... so I say 8 weeks
I suggest bring the light clothing and essential first to survive that waiting period. Clothes and other amenities are cheap here
Let the container or pallet go first then you fly off to cut the waiting period

Good Luck and Happy Landing !!!':D'

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