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About to fill out Employment pass form

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About to fill out Employment pass form

Post by ceej1979 » Sun, 24 Jan 2010 1:18 pm

The HR advisor for the company I have been dealing with has just sent me the form. I asked him tips on what they are looking for, etc, and he basically said:

"Try to outline what skills/experience you can offer to improve the company, industry, and Singapore in general"

He also said:

"Don't use any industry jargon, or terminilogy, as if they can't understand it, they will just ignore it".

Seems pretty good advice. Is he generally right?

I'm just thinking what angle to go for.

To give you some ammo to work with, I work on academic journals. And peer review. Firstly, making decisions on whether to consider articles for the journal (based on quality, how it will be received in the field, and how that will reflect on journal sales, and image).

And once that decision has been made, selecting suitable peer reviewers (based on assessing their skills and suitability to the work), and then making publishing decisions based on their conclusions. As well as a bit of marketing, and the obvious "networking". As in, basically going to conferences, and trying to convince people to send us their work.

I'm just thinking how to attack it? Well, without sounding like an idiot! My positives as I see it, as in, why it would be good to have me over:

1: Uk/West is generally quite bit ahead of Asian publishers in regards to publishing techniques.

Not that I'm planning on boasting, or patronising - but I was thinking of something like:

"excellent knowledge of cutting edge UK/European publishing techniques"

or something like that?

2: I work on a really top title. Like top 5 in the world. Singapores titles in comparison are more modern, and are just starting to break through a bit. I was thinking something like:

"Edit and develop one of the world's top journals, and help coordinate and develop European and US marketing campaigns.

Again, the focus being, experience in those western markets? As in, markets that Singaporean publishers won't be working in?

3: I network a lot with western authors and referees, and have built up some nice relationships in my time. The reason I'm bringing it up is that Asian companies struggle big style to attract business from the west. One of their prime targets, this decade, it seems, from reading their web sites, is breaking US/European dominance, and moving into those markets.

I was thinking:

"networking with American/European authors, and developing important business relationships for the company in those markets".

4: Similar thing. I do a lot of conference work in Europe and the states. Basically standing in a sales booth, trying to talk people in to working with us.

"experienced conference delegate, in European and US markets. Confident networker, and company representative".

Firstly, is talking along these lines relevant?

Secondly, am I attacking it from the right angle?

Thirdly, does anyone have any other ways to go?

I should also add, I do also plan to include all of the day to day stuff I do. This is more "the icing on top of the cake" if you like

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Sun, 24 Jan 2010 2:22 pm

Sounds like a good start. You might have to condense a bit, don't know how much you can get on the form at the moment. The idea is right though. As the market is small regarding the number of players here, you might not need too much as it's a niche market so the odds of having to fend off a whole slew of people with the same skillsets is probably negligible anyway.

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Post by ceej1979 » Sun, 24 Jan 2010 3:12 pm

sundaymorningstaple wrote:Sounds like a good start. You might have to condense a bit, don't know how much you can get on the form at the moment. The idea is right though. As the market is small regarding the number of players here, you might not need too much as it's a niche market so the odds of having to fend off a whole slew of people with the same skillsets is probably negligible anyway.
Yeah, I agree. My HR guy said "less than 500 words". When I looked at the form, it looks like you can fit on about 50!

As for chances, he's continually told me it will be straightforward. I've taken the more sceptical approach to be honest!

I can see the point. If there's only one scientific publisher in the entire country, most of their work force will maybe be fresh grads being developed in house.

I'm hoping the MOM will see my experience in these different markets as a positive.

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Post by observer » Mon, 25 Jan 2010 9:37 pm

I'm sorry, but I find it kind of ironic that an editor is asking for help editing his writing :D

No offense meant, I know how stressful it can be filling up those forms. I know I spent some time on it too. I try to throw in some buzzwords about my industry just so they can connect. Easy in my case, because there's a lot of hype about it to begin with.

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Post by ceej1979 » Tue, 26 Jan 2010 1:15 am

observer wrote:I'm sorry, but I find it kind of ironic that an editor is asking for help editing his writing :D

No offense meant, I know how stressful it can be filling up those forms. I know I spent some time on it too. I try to throw in some buzzwords about my industry just so they can connect. Easy in my case, because there's a lot of hype about it to begin with.
Haha touche!

In truth, I think I need advice in possibly toning it down. If I was left to my own writing devices, I'd probably have them thinking I'm a cross between Gordon Gekko, and Charles Foster Kane......

I'm a bit concious about sounding like a know it all "dick". You know, a bit "you should feel blessed to have me help your country", patronising rubbish.......Unless sounding like a dick is the best way to go?!

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Post by observer » Tue, 26 Jan 2010 11:35 pm

Well I have nothing more than my own experience to offer, as I really have no clue as to how (or more importantly who) will be reading your form. For me, I filled them in a very matter-of-fact manner, neither cocky "i am god's gift to singapore" not dumbed down "speaking to a child". To be honest, I don't remember much of what I filled, but knowing myself, I am sure I kept it short and sweet and straight to the point.

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Post by ceej1979 » Wed, 27 Jan 2010 4:23 am

observer wrote:Well I have nothing more than my own experience to offer, as I really have no clue as to how (or more importantly who) will be reading your form. For me, I filled them in a very matter-of-fact manner, neither cocky "i am god's gift to singapore" not dumbed down "speaking to a child". To be honest, I don't remember much of what I filled, but knowing myself, I am sure I kept it short and sweet and straight to the point.
My HR guy steer clear of industry terminology. They tend to react negatively (supposedly) to not understanding things. Like an attack on their own intelligence , sort of thing.

So you were probably wise. I did my best. The problem I have is that all publishing is, is acronyms, terminology and rubbish like that!

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