"diversify". It doesn't have to be in Singapore, but diversification is a cornerstone to any good portfolio.
Only for those that don't know what they are doing! Risk maybe minimised for the uncertain professional financial advisor, after all it's your money.
A person that is clued up on a specific industry, has more opportunity to make a killing especially in high tech markets. Just take a look at the Taiwan market
http://finance.yahoo.com/echarts?s=%5ET ... I;range=1y
I don't diversify, simply because the inventories around the world have run out in the electronics industry, I take the cream and then leave it with specific hi tech companies that are focused on growth, but in the same industry having the leading edge knowledge in what you are investing in is more important, than spreading your bets. Again it's different strategies for different folk!
http://finance.yahoo.com/echarts?s=3034 ... W;range=2y
This little baby above is what I'm talking about, and buying at the right time, on knee jerk reactions.
If you read all the news everyone is blaming Obama for the drop this week, which is not really the case in my eyes at all, what is happening around the world is a consolidation of the markets for the next run, which will take us through June and July the T/A is pretty convincing at the moment if Taiwan market drops below 7753, that would be a signal for me to sell off to keep the cream and wait and see how far it drops!
One minimises risk by home work, not by handing your money to a 3rd party investment vehicle, that only follows the norm of panic selling
I agree that one should diversify if one doesn't really know the industries well enough to make, the kind of decisions that are needed! I have more than recouped any negatives i had in my portfolio, because i averaged down after the economy crashed in sound fast growth companies which move on supply and demand and there hasn't been any supply at all, after the crash, so all inventories dried up and this year will see the restocking in my opinion.
For Singapore I use