It all depends on the basis for doing it. I have a muslim gf myself based in Singapore, and her reasons for me REVERTING (read below) are twofold; firstly to appease and honour her parents, but more importantly to coordinate a united front when we have children and their pious education.berkshire_yorkie wrote:Hi,
The obvious option is to go through with a conversion for the sake of outward appearances and do the bare minimum to maintain this position; I've heard that people do it, but whilst pragmatic, it's also being dishonest to one's self.
Now I currently consider myself agnostic (some call it a lazy aethist), so I do not commit there is/isnt a god, and for me to worship deity that Im not quite convinced is there does not sit well in my mind.
But take the advice of an earlier poster, that what may begin as an acceptable of another's ways, if you keep an open mind then you are atleast doing the right thing by yourself in duly considering it. Perhaps as you learn more things will change. In this way you are not being dishonest to yourself or to a faith you are trying to comprehend.
Now onto matters of islam as my (limited) research has taught me so far:
First of all, it is called reverting not conversion, because in the faith all people start off as muslims, so becoming one you are actually reverting back.
Pork: obviously pork is forbidden, as is pork derivatives. Some people dont realise this also means lard (pork fat), or things cooked with it - often some pastries are out of bounds like lardie cake (english delicacy), donuts, hot cross buns, etc
Interestingly the bible also forbade consumption of pork, but its not practised anymore. I guess pork in earlier centuries was a much more major health risk than it is today; although pregnant women should still avoid it.
Alcohol: this is one muslims seem to break first, which is ironic because I dont drink anyway because it just messes up my system !
Circumcision: Not compulsory for reverting adults, however if you were becoming a jew it is ! Compulsory for islamic children however; again probably an ancient hygiene issue, but more likely a social pacification thing.
Compulsory reverting: if a man marries a muslim wife he must revert prior, however it is not compulsory for the wife if the man is a muslim - go figure
Name changing: the stuff ive read seems to suggest most reverts change their name willingly, but unless your name is considered blaphemous then it is not compulsory. Opinion in this thread seems to contradict that ?
Alot of the ideals of islam make alot of sense to me in the time of Mohammed (blessed be his name). But by the very ideal of islam was that it was reinventing christianity , that it considered had become corrupted by 500AD. This makes it by its very foundation, inflexible in its strictest application.