Singapore Expats

Keeping both Australian and Singaporean (dual) citizenship

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Post by atropine » Fri, 16 Mar 2012 12:36 am

sundaymorningstaple wrote:Couple of quick questions.....

Are you a male?

If not, That all I need to know. You just need to renounce.

If you are.....

Have you done your NS?

If yes, no problems. You just need to renounce (of course if you are over 22, you might has some problems as you cannot hold two passports and your Singapore Passport hold precedence over your Naturalized Australian one so you could be in some trouble.

If no, did you follow all the proper protocols to be deferred from NS pending renunciation of your Singapore Citizenship? If so, you should have renounced before the age of 22. Again, if you haven't, don't know the ramifications.

If you enter Singapore using your Australian passport and it is found out you are an Singapore citizen, you could also be in even more trouble and the Australian Embassy cannot do anything as you are a citizen by birth of Singapore.

So, the only thing you need to concern yourself with is getting rid of your Singapore citizenship as soon as possible before you get found out during application for an employment pass.

hi, i am not male. however I did enter sg on a sg passport but i do poses my aussi passport as well. i'm worried about the change over and the difficulty in obtaining an EP. also, do you have any idea where i could find out what i might have to pay in tax as a EP holder? i don't know if this makes any difference but i have never participated in any voting in sg and due to my absence, was taken off the list. thanks.

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Post by Mad Scientist » Fri, 16 Mar 2012 12:46 am

atropine wrote: hi, i am not male. however I did enter sg on a sg passport but i do poses my aussi passport as well. i'm worried about the change over and the difficulty in obtaining an EP. also, do you have any idea where i could find out what i might have to pay in tax as a EP holder? i don't know if this makes any difference but i have never participated in any voting in sg and due to my absence, was taken off the list. thanks.
This is two part
1. You are Sger period and it takes precedent over any other citizenship unless you renounced your SG Citizenship properly.
The issue of dual citizenship for Sger is not allowed. You are allowed to obtain one until the age of 21 whereby you have to renounce one of them. If you are above 21 , then it is illegal to possess two citizenship. Although you are not caught at border control , that does not mean it is allowed. The question of perjury will come to mind when you renew your SG PP.

2. If you are a Sger , you do not need to apply for EP as EP are for foreign nationals only. Voting in SG and taken off the list does not mean you are no longer a Sger
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Post by carteki » Fri, 16 Mar 2012 2:07 am

MS is right. You will need to make a choice as to which ppt you want to keep. If the SG one - then no worries. If the Aus one then you won't be able to work until you have an employment pass and you can only apply for that once you've renounced your SG ppt - so there will be a period of time when you can't work here.

re your question on tax - as long as you're in the country for more than 6 months then you're treated the same as a local for tax purposes.

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Post by atropine » Fri, 16 Mar 2012 11:18 am

carteki wrote:MS is right. You will need to make a choice as to which ppt you want to keep. If the SG one - then no worries. If the Aus one then you won't be able to work until you have an employment pass and you can only apply for that once you've renounced your SG ppt - so there will be a period of time when you can't work here.

re your question on tax - as long as you're in the country for more than 6 months then you're treated the same as a local for tax purposes.

thank you all for your responses, it has been very helpful.
would it be advisable to approach ICA now and inform them of my passports or should i wait till i need to renew my sg passport? when i became an australian citizen, i had already renewed by sg passport, thus did not have to declare that i possessed another passport. thanks

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Post by Mad Scientist » Sat, 17 Mar 2012 5:02 am

atropine wrote:[quote="carteki"
thank you all for your responses, it has been very helpful.
would it be advisable to approach ICA now and inform them of my passports or should i wait till i need to renew my sg passport? when i became an australian citizen, i had already renewed by sg passport, thus did not have to declare that i possessed another passport. thanks
Again this is a two part
1. If you are looking for job you can only get the job using SG PP/ Citizenship. If you use your OZ PP, it will trigger alarm bells as per my previous post.
2. If you declare and wish to renounce SG PP and above 21, you will be allowed to renounced if you have met all the requirement. it is about 6 weeks process for the renunciation.Yet again you will join the long list of foreigner looking for job in SG and your EP application will stick out like a sore thumb. Technically you should inform ICA now or you can always play Russian Roulette with border control
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