Vaucluse wrote:utopia wrote:Vaucluse wrote:
Again, explain to me how this is achieved, according to you
Alright, let’s exchange notes;
I’ll try not to overlap the points Splatted and KSL had already covered.
I would say Australians will have to start at the roots, by this I mean how children are brought up at home, how the parents get involved with the education process and teaching their children to have mutual respect to people,
property, society, and the very authorities that were voted in by Australians.
I'll admit to reading no further than this line as you are presupposing that 25 million people don't already do this . . . anything that would follow your presumption is, therefore, based on an incorrect and fallacious platform . . . unless you follow ksl's flawed genetic argument . . . which, I am hoping, you are too intelligent to do.
35% of the population have a British connection which equates to over 6 million people that are mostly competitive and protective of their wealth, France has the same problem...The UK back in the 60's and USA cooperated with the mujahideens supplying them with arms and training to resolve issues by subversive measure, allowing these people to infiltrate our own back yard. back then all military training was based on the communist threat, over looking what was really going on by extremist muslims that we were training.
When the USA branded all grps terrorists, even the ones collecting donations in your own back yard, they double crossed the grps, that were helping in subversive activities in the Middle East. I was an observer in the middle east with the trucial Oman scouts at that time, though our country opened the doors for favours, openly risking national security. extremism of religion is the biggest threat to the world, and there is no way you can stop it, only delay it.
The seeds have been planted around the world long before i was born probably, what is at stake today is the destruction of those that had powers, like the USA, UK France & Germany.
You should really look into the breeding aspect and genetics of the social order v's survival...I asked a mate of mine, who had is own business why he voted conservative, his reply was that he had build his business under the conservatives thatcherite regime.
I recall it very well, because in 1978 when i left the military, she was telling the lazy British to get off their backsides and travel abroad for work, their is work if you look for it.
Though while one is working their bollocks off, there is a dozen mates siphoning the welfare benefits and talking about the idiots that work, crime is more favourable than working. No one wants to pay tax, they are made too. I was offered 500£ a week tax free, to drive a car full of drugs from A to B and refused on the basis, that you do the crime, you do the time, and i enjoy my freedom.
Though I was imprisoned, because i fell behind with my wife's maintenance, a civil offence, while the ex was a user and exposed my two children to it at the ages of 9 and 10, she was still allowed custody, i go to prison...their are thousands of fathers in the same boat. I'm bitter because the system is shit in UK and always as been, the social services new of my wife's addiction, leaving my kids alone at night while partying.
Luckily my daughter is much like myself and a survivor of the bad parenting, my son is well just switched off escaping his days in a world of his own at 38, I actually did a deal with my ex when he was 12, he came to live with me, though the damage done to him was too late.
Now at 38 and 36 the kids ask me why did i let them go through all that shit in their lives, and how can they be so f-----g perfect like their military daddy, its better to keep ones mouth shut. Yes I do believe genetics play a distinctive role in our lives and hereditary.
That is one reason why I stayed divorced for 23 years, while i chose my path, both my brother and sister did well at school, and nothing with their lives, sister went to Aus yes, to become a housewife depending on the husband, until he found something better my brother who was playing pro football and represented under 23's for England married someone that wouldn't wash is football gear, I find it quite amusing, he was a typical union man which I was not, I was the rebel, and a survivor that didn't need Thatcher.
I worked hard and long and played hard and long too, investing in my mothers home, only to have it destroyed several times by anti social behaviour.
I was at the point of seriously hurting some people, and discussed with the northern area chief of police, how to get the druggie squatters out of my property, they the police could not do it, though they did apologize for smashing the doors back and front to arrest some of them.
Those inside barricaded the doors so, i climbed through a small window with a baseball bat, and discovered several hiding in a closet, there was no need to use the bat, they freely took the barricade down and left. Though the house was totally destroyed.
Those days in the 90's where very hard times and i was on the verge of destroying some ring leaders, until i came to my sense and left everything behind me...Believe me, these trends will spread to all parts of the globe hand in hand with crime, drug pushing and extremism.
The middle east connection is just the start of Australia's problems, democracy can reduce the fall out, though I do not believe conservative methods concentrate on spending money to protect and educate.
Genetics for me was a logical thought process, without even knowing that it is being studied, how unintelligent is that. So I did a search and found a paper on genetics and social order ... o03/ab.htm
I have had 30 years of terrorism from all walks of life, including the police excuses, and local council academic dick heads, that couldn't organise a piss up at a chimpanzee party, and only make it worse, what I do have is experience in social problems, crime, and terrorism, and it never goes away, you have to leave first. Freedom of speech and the right to live in peace must go hand in hand with social responsibility.
There are lots of research papers on it. Denmark has had its problems even the area of Christiana experiment a no go area for police. ... hts/408896 ... -survive/1
It makes interesting reading though doesn't solve many problems, my attitude today is live and let live I can survive without government and i see quite a genetic jump forward in my daughter, who is half Taiwanese with, better grades in school than i could dream of.
Though she also has my rebel traits, and demands the respect from mom and dad at 9 years old. Mom always told me about the respect for the Indian that had a turban on his head, when i asked him what he had done to hurt his head to have such a big bandage...Parenting ethics and politeness, with the occasional whack on the ass, never harmed me, quite the opposite, though my peers calling me chicken lead to a stealing spree when i was 11, we got caught and i got the biggest pasting ever from my father with his leather belt, it was deserved and I never forgot it ever.