That is a good one.... "F..King near water"sundaymorningstaple wrote:Believe me, the various brews here will have you drooling if you will but give them a chance. I won't drink a US beer anymore. They are like have sex at the beach. "F**king near water!"Yeah, I'm a Yank come over from your neighboring state (but not from there originally) - worked on the rigs outta Morgan Sewer!
Hugo_R wrote:The US has lovely microbreweries with a moderately large production such as Rogue, Dogfish Head, Sierra Nevada and others. I still wonder why USians drink bud
Try a bar / restaurant called Oosters, at Capital Square, Church Street.tkopf01 wrote:Hey all, I moved to Singapore in October from Texas and since then I have been keeping my eyes peeled for a few beers which just remind me of home. Does anyone know where, if at all you can buy, Shiner Bock or Bud Light?
Nice, I'll be aware for when I move over!ScoobyDoes wrote:Hugo_R wrote:The US has lovely microbreweries with a moderately large production such as Rogue, Dogfish Head, Sierra Nevada and others. I still wonder why USians drink bud
There are several good microbreweries in Singapore....... I don't class Brewerkz as "good" but is generally okay.
The Pump, Red Dot, a Czech place in Gilman Villiage i can't remember the name of, Paulaner to a certain extent and the recently opened Thai-German Tawandang at Dempsey name pretty much the best ones here.
You'd never need to drink american again.
Agree with SMS and surprisingly being Bud illiterate some time ago time was given exactly the same explanation by my American friend - F...close to water . Besides the places already mentioned you may find some coffee-shop surprises. Inside Bukit Timah Market and Food Centre there is one beer stall (2nd floor IIRC) with amazing variety of beer, for example Chimays in 1l bottles not easily to be found in other places.tkopf01 wrote:Hey all, I moved to Singapore in October from Texas and since then I have been keeping my eyes peeled for a few beers which just remind me of home. Does anyone know where, if at all you can buy, Shiner Bock or Bud Light?
What is this HDB complex?aster wrote:Not a fan of Heineken at all. Will take a Chang or a Tsing Tao over that...
You want a truly unique beer experience? Tell me when and I'll take you to a giant HDB complex in Chinatown, behind the temple, where on L2 there is a beer hall for the locals. What an atmosphere to drink in, loved every second of it. Felt bored to hell in Clarke Quay the next day...
Yes, where is this wonderful place of which you speak, in which we could partake wonderful ambrosia...Wellman wrote:What is this HDB complex?aster wrote:Not a fan of Heineken at all. Will take a Chang or a Tsing Tao over that...
You want a truly unique beer experience? Tell me when and I'll take you to a giant HDB complex in Chinatown, behind the temple, where on L2 there is a beer hall for the locals. What an atmosphere to drink in, loved every second of it. Felt bored to hell in Clarke Quay the next day...
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