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Post by pido » Mon, 21 Dec 2009 10:42 pm

Is anyone had experience using epidural when deliver baby before? How was it? I still confuse if i want to use epidural or not (worried about bad effect of it). Thanks!

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Post by amiee40 » Tue, 22 Dec 2009 5:56 pm

yes but be mindful that not everyone will have the same reaction.

First baby, no epidural, only gas. It made me really sick, vomiting and cold sweats. Second baby, i asked for epidural, it didn't work well as i expected.

You just have to do your own research and ask your Ob&Gyn more questions if in doubt.

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Post by singmom » Tue, 22 Dec 2009 11:24 pm

I had an epidural. Worked BEAUTIFULLY!!! I wish everyone's experience could be as good as mine. Originally, I wanted medication b/c I had heard that epidurals don't always work and you can only get it btw 4-7 cm, but my doc told me that meds will only take the edge off, not much else.

Getting the epidural was like a bad bee sting. I wanted to be able to remember the birthing process and enjoy it as much as I could. Since I knew beforehand that I can't focus through pain, the epidural allowed that.

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Post by movingtospore » Wed, 23 Dec 2009 4:35 pm

I didn't use an epidural with either child as I'd read too much about how they greatly increase the percentage of c-sections. I was more afraid of that than contractions, but that's just me. Birth hurt like @#$# but I survived as did the babes. My second babe was so fast there wasn't time anyways. :)

No judgement here though for those who do. But you can get through it without if you have good support and coaching before the big day. Non-husband support - people who understand the birthing process. My babes arrived long before we arrived here so I'm not sure how well Singapore is set up for midwives, doulas etc? They can be fantastic if you try it without an epidural.

Either way it will be a great experience.

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