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by taxico » Thu, 10 Dec 2009 8:45 pm
have you checked out Duke medical school in singapore?? its MD program is grad entry only, tied up with the Singapore Govt.
they have an emphasis on churning out research physicians, but it's a legit & prestigious american medical degree for all purposes.
it's not easy getting in, but you may qualify. next entry is 2011 or 2012 i think. 2010 is out. apply early.
otherwise there's Monash Malaysia University's MBBS (also accepted by SMC). i know little about it.
both schools are good for future registration in singapore. if you have a deep love for medicine, you MUST pursue it or you will always regret not doing so (you know what i mean).
ngkahhui: many/most medical students overseas (especially in north america) are older, more mature persons because med school requires a basic degree first.
in fact, many of the dedicated/good physicians i know actually had a mid-career change/entered the medical profession late in their lives.
it's usually the younger doctors who have a tendency to stop practicing medicine in the first 10-15 years after graduating med school.
the older ones usually stick with it for life, doing much good for everyone.
taxico, B.S., M.D. (!)
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