Hi everyone, hope you're all well.
Just thought I would share some insight on Dover Court and UWC as I've studied in both these schools, I'll try and be as objective as possible.
I joined Dover Court as an ESL student and moved to UWC before taking my IGCSE's (O' levels equivalent I presume) - it's a small but nice school. British based curriculum adapted to the needs of International students. Friendly atmosphere, caring staff and teachers. They also provide education for children with special needs and I remember fondly that we sometimes had integrated classes (learning sign language) with these children to teach us to appreciate the importance of diversity and to care for each other. More often than not, students of DCPS usually proceed to UWC to complete their IGCSE's and I.B.
As for UWC, I thoroughly enjoyed my time there, both academically and personally. If I'm not mistaken, UWC is ranked as one of the best
International Schools in SG. They offer a wide variety of ECA's, particularly during 11th and 12th grade (I.B.) which was challenging but rewarding. I took English Lit, French, Business Studies as my higher subjects and Spanish, Mathematics and Science, Society and Technology (6 subjects).
On top of that I had to satisfy a minimum of 50 hours (approx.) of CAS (Creativity, Action, Service) - I ended up doing a lot of community service (riding for the disabled, volunteering at a home for the elderly), joined the school's netball and volleyball team (for action hours), took an after school Art class and acted in some Theatre productions. Basically on top of my studies, I needed to satisfy other requirements, which definitely helps to instil time management skills and self-discipline into me whether I liked it or not. There were also classes such as Theory of Knowledge (philosophical discussions), a mini Dissertation that I had to prepare on my preferred subject and a Project week which I had to plan without adult supervision (all very exciting for an 11th grader).
The UWC education system truly embraces cultural diversity and Global Concerns. When they say that they put a lot of emphasis on 'service, cultural and political sensitivity and all round achievement in both the academic and activity areas', they really do. My teachers always challenged me but were also very supportive, some even offered to help tutor me after school when I had difficulties (Physics and Chemistry). Before the I.B. exams, there was a university advisor who discussed my options with me and helped to guide me in the right direction for my university applications (Durham was my choice).
I don't know where you will be living but it may be useful to know that both schools offer transportation services to pick up your children and drop them off after school.
I hope that helped and if you have any further questions, feel free to ask and I'll try my best to answer