PowderRangers wrote:Hi All,
I just started up my own ski tour operator business based in BC, Canada, home to some of the World's finest powder playgrounds. I'm trying to reach out to the Singaporean market and wanted to know if there are any clubs/societies/groups bringing together skiers and snowboarders in Singapore.
Also, I hear that Snow City is a new(ish) indoor snow arena that offers lessons from Canadian qualified instructors. Does anyone use the facility? Do you know if there is a store or kiosk counter or noticeboard where I could leave some promotional flyers?
If any of you ever plan a trip to BC, Canada, do please give me a shout. I would be happy to welcome you!
Hi there, Snow City has been around for years but you will be disappointed if you are a skier/ boarder.mrmartins wrote:Wow didn't know about Snow City. Their website isn't too great either, does anyone use this facility for actual Snowboarding or Ski-ing? Interested to know how long the slope is, what is the uplift method, and the best times to go to avoid all the sledgers?
Wondering why you would want to buy ski gear in Singapore when storage of the stuff is a problem given the hot and tropical weather here? The wax at the bottom of your skis/boards will just melt away and the ski and snow boards will warp. You would have to store them in a cool and temperate place with humidity control. Most who want to ski travelling out of Singapore will either get rental skis where they are going or drop by Europe/US to pick a pair up where they will buy much cheaper with a better range given the critical mass of skiiers there. If they did buy there they would usually store it there with friends, relatives or their own lodgings if they live there. Buying in Sing is expensive impractical and risky. Anyway most good rental ski places will stock current model skis which would generally outperform your own which would have invariably been bought sometime back, which is another reason to avoid buying. Not unless you feel like ,geting a legacy pair to pass on to whoever. But then they may not want to inherit it either...Pyromancer wrote:Hey Peruvia,
I was just wondering, but could you let me know where you buy your Ski gear in Singapore? And do you know if they sell Snowboarding stuff as well?
Snowman1977 wrote:I hate to come on here and contradict what has been said but some of that buying advice is a load of rubbish!!
1st unless you are planning on keeping you skis/snowboard outside in the sun then you will have no problem storing them in Singapore. I have never heard of a wax that melts at anywhere near the 30 to 35 degrees we get here. More like 80!! Also the wood/composite material that the board will be made from will not warp at this temperature.
2nd the idea of renting equipment is great if you love throwing away money!! To rent skis/board that are of a standard that you would buy will be very expensive. I would say that for 3 weeks rental would be the cost of buying a snowboard. If you buy decent equipment and use it for say 3 seasons you will still be able to sell this for a reasonable return at the end of that period. Therefore being better value.
My advice would be to buy from the USA, prices there are good and if you are not in a rush for a board then the postage isn't too bad. If not try ebay.
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