sundaymorningstaple wrote:It's a beach! But you need to also look at it from an employers perspective as well. It might help explain some things. If you take a job, any job, because you need money to buy you things, and you are over qualified for that position, it doesn't make sense for the company to invest in you.
If you are too highly educated for a given position, it will only be a little while before you are bored with the job and start looking. Meanwhile, the company is investing time and money on you. Then you leave and they are back to where they started again. Highly educated people often run into this problem. It is, unfortunately, just as big of a problem as the reverse where a guy has 20 years of street smarts in a given industry but can not get a job there now because he doesn't have a silly piece of paper that only says that theoretically he can learn the job (that all a basic degree is). Sometimes life just isn't fair.
SMS is right, you can be too educated, and not street wise and you can be street wise with no education. From your point of view, you need to think about the jobs your are applying for and send the relevant education, not your highest qualifications, though many application forms ask for the highest.
I do know people that haven't been able to find their Master degree, and apply for work on the lower degree. Diplomas on the other hand are not worth very much at all in the minds of bureaucracy and talent spotting. This is probably because of some doctorate, that may never have the practical experience lays down the criteria.
Hope you can understand why some people become rebels and don't give a toss for the idiotic rules sometimes. Take the obstacles in life, as problems you need to solve, within the laws of the Countries you visit. We are all slaves of society no matter where we live! Obviously these Countries are doing what is best for the majority of the citizens, which is only fair.
I have had the problem all my life and live with it, because I missed out on a solid education due to environmental and social upbringing, and I did what i wanted to do. Though it is very difficult to do a higher exam, and then go back to doing O and A levels, which is what i did, and was quite often marked down for using terminology, that i shouldn't use. Though i have always enjoyed study and collecting paper, maybe one day, it will come in useful, when the toilet rolls run out! Imagine I went back to business college when i was over 40 and studied with the elite students, that could cram a 3 year program into 1 year in business and economics WTF I thought I would never survive it. Only my CV allowed me on the course, mostly work experience, because i was forced to leave school at 14 having never ever done the 11 plus exam or what's called PSLE I think.
My advice is to take life in your stride, look at the problems and see how you can solve them legally. I mean be careful when you are sending your education qualifications to employers.
I have met many very capable people in my life, that have no education, some of them are mega rich entrepreneurs, that cannot even read or write, becuase of their disability of being dyslexic