It’s happened to me recently three times now, in a matter of 6 months or so. I’m just wondering if the laws have changed? LOL.
I am driving, and a vehicle starts to reverse out of a private house driveway to my right, I slow down, and it continues across the first lane and into mine, it ends up on the wrong side of the road facing me and waits, presumably, for me to get out of the way. I don’t mind but the first time this happened there was a solid white line between the two lanes and I had to wait for the kids and lady to cross the road and get into the vehicle, on the second occasion there was a large refuse truck with many other cars behind it, this last occasion again several cars were approaching preventing my going around it, so I was forced to wait for them to pass, meanwhile the obstructing vehicle waits. The sun is so bright I can’t make out the driver of the obstructing car. After an interminable wait I go around it, but I see in my rear view mirror that it continues merrily on its way; of course I was incandescent!