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need checklist what needs 2 b prepared before/after labour

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need checklist what needs 2 b prepared before/after labour

Post by lovelyviv28 » Mon, 26 Oct 2009 9:40 am

Hello Mums..

need your help and on my 24th weeks of pregnancy n currently compiling a check list of what needs to b prepared or to buy before and after labour :???: . would appreciate if u can share your information and experience :D

thanks heaps!


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Post by QRM » Mon, 26 Oct 2009 10:44 am

Half the stuff you buy you never use, there are lots of books on the subject a very good one is called "what to expect when you are expecting"

For me the most useful items are:

Muslin square you can never have too many, they can be used as blankets, towels, nappies, capes, etc

Baby bath, the stand is crucial as its back breaking bending over all the time and you can set it up in the shower, no need for fancy soaps talcs etc water and some Vaseline is all you need.

Baby mits stop baby from scratching her face, amazingly sharp nails ( use a disposable nail file to trim them.)

A folding travel cot bed designed to be used in bed with you so you can sleep with baby, saves getting in and out of bed during breast feeding, she used hers till she was almost 2 year old and we took it when ever we travelled.

A breast feeding pillow (like part of a doughnut) which doubles as a prop for baby when they get a bit bigger.

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Post by em123 » Mon, 26 Oct 2009 11:28 am


I'm in my 30th week of pregnancy now so I'm doing a simillar thing - trying to get a bit organised. It's a bit easier for me though coz I'm on my 2nd and kept everything the first time round luckily!!!! :)

I'd just buy the essentials now which have already been mentioned. When I was preggers with my first I bought 'gadgets' which I thought seemed helpful but which I never used - such as nappy wrappers and a milk warmer which sits by the side of the bed!!! I also bought lots of cute outfits which were never worn - because it's far easier just to stick them in vests and sleepsuits!!!

I didn't use a baby bath but I did have a great towelling seat that my daughter sat in, in the big bath and that came in really really handy, because I had both hands available to wash her. I bought it in the UK though so not sure if they sell them out here.

Oh and where are you having your baby and how are you finding being pregnant with the heat?

Good luck

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Post by lovelyviv28 » Tue, 27 Oct 2009 11:52 am

thanks ladies! i know i did the right thing by asking people who've done it before..
and hopefully this might help other new mums too :D


~ Viv ~

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Post by QRM » Tue, 27 Oct 2009 12:50 pm

lovelyviv28 wrote:thanks ladies!
~ Viv ~
I may have man boobs now, but still 100% bloke! :D

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Post by cbavasi » Wed, 28 Oct 2009 8:23 am

Ok this is a little TMI - but I underestimated the amount of "pads" I would need post birth of my first child. They give you these very ridiculously huge and uncomfortable ones in the hospital - so stock up... if you have a vaginal birth you will need them.

Also, my sister-in-law gave me a tube of Camilosan (or Lansinoh) and that was very useful for cracked/sore nipples.

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Post by QRM » Wed, 28 Oct 2009 9:38 am

cbavasi wrote:Ok this is a little TMI - but I underestimated the amount of "pads" I would need post birth of my first child. They give you these very ridiculously huge and uncomfortable ones in the hospital - so stock up... if you have a vaginal birth you will need them.

Also, my sister-in-law gave me a tube of Camilosan (or Lansinoh) and that was very useful for cracked/sore nipples.
Thats one thing everyone forgets to mention be prepared for cracked sore nipples, as in bits of nipples coming off and dropping on to the floor! our nanny bought a load of cabbages and stuck them in the fridge and peeled off layers of cold cabbage which are perfect shape for sore boobs.

The other strange one is wrist/thumb tenenditis from constantly picking baby up.

Dont listen to baby shop staff they will sell you everything, preying in hormonal mothers instincts to get nothing but the best for babies.

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