First of all you do not need to be a genius or hold an advanced degree to find this information and work things out for yourselves, each and every one of you is capable of that. Hopefully you will realize that I am not trying to be superior or act 'like mother and father' or in some way be patronizing as one person has accused me of yet never once offered any backing up of his claims. The information is available on the web irrespective of who you are or where you happen to live or where you are in the world when you read it. Statements such as "SIA is hiring again" or "oh but I have friends who are cabin crew" are simply vacuos.
The two following links show Singapore Airlines response to the recession, I suggest people read them carefully (take your time you have plenty); ... 18,00.html ... 316-CBhRd&
As you can plainy see Singapore Airlines have mothballed 17 aircraft; jumbos had cabin crew of 17 which was reduced to 16 so how many crew have been temporarily displaced? Let's say for the sake of argument 13 crew per aircraft (since not all aircraft are 747's so the crew requirement varies) so you would have to multiply 13 by 17 which 221. Then you would need to consider that it takes 2 maybe three or 4 crews to keep an aircraft operational plus supplementary crews to cover staff absences, rest days and sickness, so 221 would have to be multiplied by either 2 or three and consider the extra staff. You may well be talking about the thicker end of a 1000 people (maybe twice as many for all I know)! Please note this does not include the pilots or ground staff.
Since these crew who are on much reduced working and are for the meantime surplus, do you really think SIA or any other airline are going to recruit new staff? You can work it out yourselves, the answer is simply no.
I suspect those who claim the airline is hiring again have taken a cursory look at the website and seen the reference to the newspaper ad. Should that be the case then LOOK AT THE DATE OF THAT AD!

While this maybe dispirting for many of you, my advice for those still young is use this as an oppurtunity to find out what the job entails and plan your application for when recruitment does begin. I think when it does there will be few vacancies and the competition 'cut-throat', not to mention Singaporeans who are experienced cabin crew working for other airlines who might return home and might be given preferencial treatment.