blued3838 wrote:Asians are insensitive in general especially in public, it is a fact. However, there are some good points about being Asian and that we value our family and close ones more. Asians tend to hold onto ''guan xi'' more.
You really don't get it, do you? My ego and pride will not allow me to "look in the mirror" as SMS suggested. So, I am going to pretend to help you out, instead, and provide you with a mirror.
By which "yardstick" are you measuring Asians with? Who decided what makes one action more insensitive than others? Who decided that those "insensitivities" aren't to be accepted as, simply, cultural differences of Asians to non-Asians, and a cause for "celebration" rather than rebuke? Are Asians the only ones that are "insensitive" to the culture, language & values when abroad? Or are other races/citizens quite proud to retain some of their own cultural/racial identity when in another country?
What I meant was to be really rude like rushing and snatching seats and all. If someone does that, I think he/she deserves to be told off whatever the colour of his/her skin is.
Yeah! That is REALLY rude. They sure deserve it, alright! All those chair snatchers and non-door-openers!
... and you know what, your sense of shame and injustice is magnified 100x when it is an Asian. Not so much when it is a non-Asian. There are loads of social injustices happening every day. The question you should be asking yourself is why do you notice some more and others not so much. Why do you get upset with Asian examples of rudeness? and others not so much?
Why does one specifically notice when a woman drives badly? Why is pissing in the street so rude, unsocial and unhygienic when Asians do it, but it is simply accepted as a sad part of life when adults in many parts of the world piss in the streets after a night out. Why is the behaviour of Asians so scrutinised for politeness and social etiquette? It is easy to say "whatever the colour of his/her skin is". In practice, it is not so easy, and you are kidding yourself if you believe it is easy.
On a separate note altogether, I just wanted to highlight a shining example of love and acceptance here in London (but it could happen in any city in any country:
Any summer, anywhere in London with lots of people traffic, say, Covent Garden. Any pub/bar with
groups of ADULT guys drinking outside. Along walks past a group of German/French/Spanish/Italian/Japanese
schoolchildren on holiday, maybe around the ages 10/11 or younger. What happens next???
...example sentence structures of some of the things that these groups of ADULT men shout and taunt at these groups of CHILDREN:
"You F***ing ________!"
"Smelly F***ing _________!"
"Who won the war??? Argggghhhhh"
"Go back to your own country!"
But you know what Blued...according to you...those children probably deserved it (especially if it was a group of Asian schoolchildren). They might have been speaking together in their own language, wearing the style of clothing that they liked, have a small patch of their national flag on their jacket or bag, and just keeping to themselves in groups (I mean...they are in a foreign country for Christ's sake. They should be open and mixing with everyone. They shouldn't be wary of their own safety whilst abroad!!! Don't they realise how friendly the locals are?).